
The entire Northeast US is not a fun place to drive a semi for more reasons than just drivers.

The driver made commentary below the video on the original liveleak site stating that he was cruising at 65mph and that the current speed limit was 65. Other than that, we have nothing else to go on.

I agree. There was a legal overtaking happening here... between the trucks, anyway.

Being a professional truck driver means to be able to safely and legally operate a semi truck. Unfortunately, that doesn't always include being the "nice guy" and letting speeding car drivers endlessly clog the left lane when trucks are legally allowed to use it, so long as they're passing another vehicle and not

I don't see a "fast" lane. I do, however, see a passing lane that the truck driver was legally using to overtake another truck.

You're not missing much on Channel 19. Maybe the occasional traffic/weather advisory, but most of it's racial slurs, truck stop service advertisements, or general bullshitting.

Good question.

The driver is clearly overtaking another truck. "Good reason" or not, it was perfectly legal.

Here are my thoughts on the subject. I'll be posting these to liveleak as well, as soon as I can.