I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my 2 cylinders of Liberté
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my 2 cylinders of Liberté
Learn something:
Idiots like you are why we get that Saturn driver.
20 SECONDS!!!! OMG!!!!!
The girl driving the impacted car was transported to the hospital with minor injuries after she made a VERY poor decision. An 80,000 lb rig vs. your 2,000 - 4,000 lb car will result in at least your car being torn up, at worst, we are pulling your corpse out from the wreckage. Give us room to work, stay away from our…
Not riding. Passing, and moving into proper lane for upcoming exit.
Don't. Pass. On. The. Right.
Everyone is blaming the truck driver, but if people bothered to click through to the link they'd see that he explains how he was not only passing the slower truck, but also setting up for a left-hand exit two miles up the road.
My guess is that the person in the saturn had a radar detector that went off. Since he/she was likely above the speed limit (because, passing), they hit the brakes to be under the limit.
It's likely he had pulled out to pass someone else, then got hung out by right-side passers before he could get back in. Never underestimate the ability of CT residents to drive like dicks with a lot to prove...
Years ago when I was a new driver I made this mistake. While in bumper to bumper traffic I snuck in front of a semi and he ran right into me. The driver was furious but took the time to stick me in the cab of his truck to show me "his view of the world". It was a bit of a shocker. I snuck in front on the left side…
It sort of looked like maybe they were approaching a curve or something, or that driver had second thoughts about passing the semi in that location. Definitely the girl's fault for cutting in there. I hate people like that.
and thats why you're still alive.
maybe it's time for truckers to get drop-down or flip-out bars for front and rear to keep folks farther away from their vehicles, like school buses and the flip-out bars to keep kids from walking in front.
Darwin at work, but it looks like she beat him... this time... No one has ever told me to give space to truckers, it's one of those things that make sense to me.
There's a whole lot of shitty driving going on here. Asshats. The lot of you.
Can we just make it clear that both the Saturn and the Honda made bad moves here?