do your GC a favor and get a block and shred/slice the cheese yourself. don’t get pre-sliced/shredded. the dust they put in there to keep it from sticking also makes for a sub par melt.
do your GC a favor and get a block and shred/slice the cheese yourself. don’t get pre-sliced/shredded. the dust they put in there to keep it from sticking also makes for a sub par melt.
I do use indents, page breaks, and paragraphs when I use word. I would have guessed that copying/importing the file into another text editor would have caused even more havoc. Does google docs play nicely (and vice versa) with the other companies editing tools?
“from someone who spent their college years shilling sliced beef beneath the glow of a red cowboy hat”
These websites like to pretend that all municipal recycling programs are exactly the same so if one says they can’t do something, then none of them can. That’s not remotely true.
“..but I reported to FBI for hate speech and threatening violence.”
Ok beer makes me sneeze but i would buy some tissues for this
I can still remember the customer who would always come in and every single time complain about something to the owner, then demand free food, which she’d oblige. Knowing they’d complain regardless, often coming around the the front counter to yell directly at the kitchen staff, we started intentionally ruining her…
Please pull around to the second window.
Even more proof that Beer and pickles are good! There is a brewery in Illinois that is particularly good at sour beers and they have made a dill pickle beer that is outstanding!
I second this. I love parchment paper, it works great and keeps the pan from getting dirty.
It’s important to beat your meat.
You’ve got to pound the pollo.
this is why you make spice mix and/or put it/them in a small bowl before handeling raw meat. you can then just throw them in the sink when done, so the regular spice containers aren’t touched in prep.
Mardi Gras might also be the only place where you can yell out “sugartits” and not offend anyone.
Not exactly a brain genius.
Why you should just use the old prison pocket instead, make them work for that contraband.
I’ve installed these shitty $100 laptops for several clients. They are absolute garbage. I do not recommend these to anyone.
These are actually all good suggestions. I would add playing board games. It’s a social activity which can keep you and your friends/roommates/partner occupied for hours. They also can be picked up cheap at thrift stores. Many libraries have scrabble, chess, or card game groups that you can join if you don’t know…
As someone who has attempted to teach hundreds of youth at summer camps how to whittle, I assure you the hobby is not cheap. I’ve seen it cost many people literal blood, sweat, and tears.
“Although Italians aren’t particularly fond of the Irish, ...”