
Many things were never meant to be careers, yet here we are.

I think if you can pull this off and no one is harmed you should get off free.

As soon as one can pay TSA to avoid their inefficient screening(Pre Check) it becomes a joke

I mean... The 60s/70s were also a very different time than even the 90s or 00s...

I generally agree with what you’re saying, except for this:

So part of that is true, but not for the reasons you might think. Blizzard built itself up to be fully autonomous from the rest of the company, the goal being to still be separate from Activision. While times were good, ABK didn’t care and didn’t force things. Several years of weaker than expected releases and

Microsoft has already stated that Activision was already planning layoffs.  Now, while trusting suits on their word alone isn’t generally a good idea, it’s also worth noting that the previous guy in charge was Bobby Kotick.  As the paragon of sweetness and light that he is, I’m sure Activision would never have done

It’s incredibly cool that this company of incompetent boobs was allowed to buy up basically every videogame IP that wasn’t already spoken for (and some that were).

Are we calling AC Valhalla an RPG now?

My comments stands. I take back nothing. 

How do you feel about warner brothers selling dvds of their WWII propaganda films? They have a near identical disclaimer at the start of the films as listed here.

Kotaku in this review is being disingenuous about the updated graphics with those comparison pics. That’s not how the updated graphics look on your TV. They look sharp and crisp. They look like this...

I think alterations to the original material is a “dammed if you do dammed if you don’t” situation. Thinking from that perspective, it seems logical to not allocate resources to change these. Also, we don’t see Hollywood making any of these types of changes to their re-releases. Not sure if this deep a criticism is

This is... bizarre to say the least. Like, you were playing a fictional character in a video game. And in-universe, it’s even more unhinged - under what “ethical” framework could someone demand you let them kill you?

Well, I can see you have plenty of free time.

You are, once again, implying it is the fault of other people for uh, not being satisfied with a game you kinda blew through and admit yourself wasn’t great

I’m just saying as someone who also doesn’t have a lot of free time, I would prefer to spend that free time on something good.

The game has been out a week, you are done with it, and you got your $70s worth?

I mean, that’s fine, good for you, but you can’t criticize people for having higher standards for what they are expected to pay for.

The crazy thing is it sounds like suicide squad was in development for nearly a decade.

Like, its absolutely a wild trend in the industry when they make a really obvious mistake in their game structure, and fans spend years pre release telling them its a bad idea, and then they just release it and it was a bad idea.

Like, I don’t know how someone could look at how The Avengers game went and think ‘Well

What has you most excited about the upcoming game?