
Get ready for all the jealous takes from all the weird bootlickers climaxing over the idea of strangers who were comfortably working from home now being miserable and forced into the office.

Definitely. Apple makes between 70-80% of their revenue on hardware sales. For comparison, Microsoft does 70-80% in software and cloud/services. Both companies do hardware and software, but it is clear which one is each company’s respective area of focus.

That stands out for sure. The other fact that stood out to me is that they are even mentioning AirPods, Bluetooth or not.

The problem is these files are large and hard to share on the internet.

First, you didn’t answer the question about taxes. Can you explain?

Those same taxes that pay for every social safety net offered would go down significantly using 2023 standards.

I will never understand how a bloody James Bond villain like Steve Mnuchin got away with being a part of Trump’s “administration.”

Yeah, the only person being petty here is Apple. There is nothing inappropriate about that tweet. It was perfectly valid criticism, given in a professional and respectful manner. I’m honestly embarrassed by Apple’s response. It’s downright fucking pathetic. 

I mean lets be clear here. Steve Jobs was a piece of shit that abused the hell out of his employees.

Oh Apple, how far you have fallen from the Jobs/Wozniak tree... I was an Apple Fan Boy until Steve passed. I knew that once his vision was gone, the company would turn for profit chasing and no longer be the innovating company they once were.  

Maybe I’m missing something (if I am, I’m sure tons of people will be all too happy to point it out to me), but I don’t see anything petty or “dunking” about that tweet. This isn’t a both-sides story – Apple is the problem here.

If you believed this was real, you haven’t been paying attention to AI lately. Or applied critical thinking/baking skills - how would you even make this?

Another shining example of how When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen....”

It’s definitely made a ton of strides on the console (if you have a fast enough connection). I wasn’t even super impressed with PS3 on PS4 streaming - a game like Split/Second would chunk and lag everywhere - but using PS5's streaming options so far, I could’ve been easily fooled I was playing locally, even with

In other, completely unrelated news:

I don’t think any of this was AI edited. It looks like McLaren just keyed-out the background environment in After Effects and replaced it with a plate shot from another moving car. You can see the transparency bleeding onto the car’s B-pillar over Lindell’s shoulder.

I’m so exhausted of late stage capitalism. When do we get to the part where we put CEOs and shareholders in a guillotine?

RIP Rocksteady. Cause of death AT&T+Zazloff+other idiots who don’t know how to run a game division.

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

I’ve observed more than a few instances