
Stop being dumb

you can def get chatgpt to talk shit on openai

If you’re only really going to be using it at home, the speed of your internet doesn’t matter.

stop being dumb

turns out he wasnt actually arrested or anything

no there is not you dumb cunt, your head was just too far up your own ass and you’re too fuck dumb to comprehend what they were actually saying.

I’m a software developer and a union member, the benefits are excellent and I have way more job security than anyone not in a union. Anyone suggesting otherwise is indeed an idiot.

Nah man, playing video games by default is not inherently exploitative. Specifically lootbox/gacha mechanics are. Takes like maybe 15 seconds of critical thinking to come to that realization.

stop being dumb

Top 10:

When the dust had settled, at least 6,000 jobs across publishers, developers, and other video game-related companies had happened.

oh god yeah, go on the AI subreddits and you’ll see how many people are of the mindset that we need to pursue AGI, no matter the cost to society and any attempt to stop it is futile.

They aren’t using the same game engine as Ghost Recon Breakpoint, but some of the work is being done by Ubisoft Paris.

Well yeah when you cherry pick a few examples, but in reality it’s more like:

dumbass this is about starbucks in the united states, not canada.

I’m personally thinking its the Watch Dogs team that got this game.

Could’ve easily redirected a fraction of those GTAO resources to just 2-3 of these planned DLCs and all of us old GTA SP fans would be more than content. Now after being burned a bit by GTA5 and RDR2 being flat as well its like why even bother with GTA6. Tbh the only enjoyment I ever got out of GTA5 was from the RP

Ah but that’s where you’re wrong, there is without a doubt, a large contingent of OpenAI fanboys that do in fact think they have already achieved AGI and/or Skynet.

but then the problem becomes that these companies end up hiring some people from a random third world country and pay them like a $1 per hour to do nothing but view and filter out horrific content day in and out.

idk what shit you’re smoking because in my exp threads is more than an adequate replacement for twitter