
$3m is nothing... eBay had net income of $1.3 BILLION last quarter, which averages out to $14.4 million every day... Baugh got 57 months (and it’s not “jail” time, it’s prison)

the then-CEO sure didn’t and they gave the order. They need to pay

We’re all far more virally educated now and know that as a virus evolves into variants, it becomes more transmissible but less potent.

28 Months Later - not sure why they skipped this one

This should have never been a franchise. The original was great, the sequel was terrible. This story has been told. 

28 Decades Later

I don’t agree? Male celebs definitely have been/are known when they date a few big name female celebs.

Honestly, god help anyone who says ANYTHING about her if we’re referring to that Jo Koy joke as “cringe-worthy.” It was not a good joke. It was barely a joke. But my goodness, is it being blown so absurdly out of proportion. “Taylor Swift is dating an NFL star and gets shown on TV a bunch.” Oh, what a diss to Tay-Tay.

I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.

Same thought. Collecting your private data and advertising is their business model. Somehow, they’ve devised a method of killing the competition (3rd party cookies) and keeping the spoils all to themselves.  Just say no to any Google/Chrome property.  It’s all data collection software. 

IIRC, you had to use a Starbucks card to order anything from the app.

For all the love and acclaim it got for actual years, Skyrim just can not get me hooked. I’ve tried, Gods know I’ve tried. Oblivion is one of my favourite games of all time. Starfield was perfectly fine. Skyrim? Nope. No amount of mods or trying can get me past the shout that makes me move forwards fast.

Will this be an overplayed reskin of Farcry, or an overplayed reskin of Assassin’s Creed?

What you call “meaningless grandstanding pedantry”, I call “a meaningful difference between what many people assume these tools are doing, an what they’re actually doing”

It doesn’t help that everyone (tech companies and media both) keep referring to this shit as “AI”, just because “large language models” or “advanced Markov chains” or “incredibly fancy auto-predict that lies all the time” aren’t as sexy-sounding.

How the fuck is this a slideshow? Why is G/O still like this? 

Replacing Hayter was especially stupid considering:

That is worthless considering the public with no access to source code accomplished more in the first week after release.

And Amazon/MGM, but they're very small.

You could say the same about EA, but yet no one is willing to purchase EA and that’s because despite have some guaranteed yearly money-makers just like call of duty, their financial outlook overall still isnt very strong. Similar to activision.