
There are quite a few alternatives with more models and cleaner interfaces than this on github that you can find just by doing a search.

Zero chance hodors brain is going to comprehend any of that.

The issue of rolling brownouts is often more related to grid management and infrastructure rather than the mere presence or absence of certain power plants. Managing a power grid involves balancing power supply and demand in real-time, dealing with fluctuating demand throughout the day and across seasons, and ensuring

Yeah they try to shoehorn too much story into these games. Just give us survival mode and expand on it. That is your game right there.

Its better for sure but still a lot of whacky glitches and similar stuff from before going on. The redesigned perk tree and gunplay though are solid improvements.

I will never use a product again that is helmed by that giant cunt bag Riccitiello

time is money brother

If you’re fuck dumb enough to still be using Twitter let alone advertising on it, that’s on you.

The latter

For me I’m just more of a mech fan in general. I don’t get crazy with the builds I just try to build visually appealing mechs that fit my play style. A lot of the time im just trying to mimic various gundam/mobile suits.

Are we sure that is the new model or just a normal PS5? I’m staring at my PS5 right now and I’ll be damned if anyone could tell the difference between the two.


Wow what an informative article. Imagine if we had a similar weekly series that broke down upcoming releases in a detailed text-based format with additional optional videos.

bitch thats what its like in the entire costco lol its like have you ever even been to one before? christ

While Japan has apologized on paper, the situation isn’t so clear cut. Yes, we’ve heard remorse from some PMs, but without acknowledging specific atrocities, it can feel more like a PR move than a sincere apology. And it doesn’t help when Japanese textbooks and public discussions gloss over the full extent of Japan’s

The last few AC and Ghost Recon games gave you a ton of options to toggle what you did or did not see.

So true. I’m a software developer and people always say “oh are you scared theyre gonna take your job” and I’m like okay person, if they’re taking my job at some point, they will have almost certainly taken your job prior.

Nah this is an example of money laundering

No disrespect but yall are so dumb and quite literally have zero idea on what makes “financial sense” for Microsoft. The moment they smell blood in the water they’ll move all these titles to exclusive status even if it means a short-term loss.

I know right, it amazes me how this kid wasn’t coached to deny, deny, deny.