
No, my argument does not hinge on market dominance. There are several examples where mergers have been stopped, even when those mergers wouldn’t necessarily have resulted in a monopoly. This is because antitrust laws aim to prevent not only monopolies, but also other situations that could harm competition and

lmao aw I’m sorry I couldn’t hear your question over all the noise being made from you having to physically move those heavy goalposts about 30 yards the other direction. Stupid ass cunt.

You seriously need to stop talking because you are veryyy clearly not educated in any way on antitrust laws.

Oh wow you’re such a stupid cunt you think there have been no blocked mergers lol cope further you utter fucking imbecile

And its only gonna get worse! But we’re gonna get COD on Gamepass so wooo!

No those people are not part of reality. They live in another reality where stating “I am not the partner for you” is somehow misconstrued as bullying and manipulative. In the actual real world where you have to deal with other humans, that is a very normal thing to say to someone lol

Gah you guys are dumb.

lol this is the most brainless example ever, you should go back to school to learn about antitrust laws before commenting because you make yourself sound like a jackass.

The real truth is most gamers are complete idiots that don’t have the least bit of an understanding of antitrust laws. FTC isn’t very good at its job either, but that’s a separate argument.

Unfortunately, it’s tough to tell whether today’s crop of experimental autonomous vehicles are coming close to human safety levels. NHTSA requires manufacturers who test “Advanced Driving Systems” to report all crashes to the administration, but those reports only include the crashes — not the miles driven without a

I’m sorry but there is no reality in which any of that is to be considered manipulative. If she wasn’t okay with that statement she simply could’ve exited the relationship as he was making it clear it was okay for her to do that if so. That’s like the opposite of being manipulative lol

Well yeah, you don’t need a big brain to realize glitching them out in a parking lot is a better alternative to them glitching out themselves in the middle of an intersection.

No there is no data to suggest AV cars are safer than humans. Amazes me how many people are misinformed.

Not necessarily true, like you stated the FTC is likely going to appeal the recent decision.

Indeed, I’m well aware of all you’ve shared, but thank you nonetheless. From what you’ve shared, it’s quite clear that he’s safeguarding his emotional wellbeing. By declaring that if certain behaviors persist, he can’t maintain the relationship, he’s expressing that these actions are having an adverse effect on his

The difference of course is you and I are not in a consensual relationship together. If you were my partner and shared those feelings with me, then yeah I would have to consider that and make a decision. There is certainly no world where I would say that is abusive of you to state that lol

The flaw in your argument of course is that those texts were in no way indicative of any type of abuse.

There is evidence of consolidation all around the gaming industry. Look at what’s happened to sports games over the last 15 years. We went from having multiple entries for every sport, lots of competition and really great games. Now each sport generally has one game made by one company and they all suck now.

lol this is the worst take I’ve read yet. If a company like Microsoft dominates the market, they’ll have immense bargaining power with developers, potentially locking out newcomers. Look at Google, a company with enormous resources, which still struggled to make a significant impact with Stadia. Therefore, while it’s

While Nintendo is undeniably a significant player in the global gaming industry, their impact on the U.S. market may be perceived as somewhat limited when discussing the potential for a Microsoft monopoly. This is primarily due to the fact that Nintendo’s audience tends to skew towards younger players and those