
Hey I got no problem w/ them doing that and I agree it’s incredible how many people have gotten into PUBG(including myself).

Nothing makes me happier than watching Republicans announce that they’re done with the NFL. It’s like Christmas in September for me.

I’m not exactly a LoL player, but doesn’t that game have multiple game modes to engage in? Also they do a plethora of other things to accompany LoL that would warrant a multi-billion dollar valuation of their studio.

Well Minecraft did have single player and multiplayer offerings along with toys, etc before it was that big of a company. That’s probably nitpicking small differences, but for the sake of making sure my original point is still correct I’m standing by it :) lol

Agreed, don’t care what anyone says. A studio w/a single game that has a single game mode is not worth 4 billion. At some point PUBG user base will drop and hopefully at that point we’ll see a more realistic number.

You do realize you can still get viruses while having a “proper” AV installed right?

As an IT guy, it is definitely your fault your computer got a virus. Know how many times my computer has had a virus? Zero.

Dude I’ve tried explaining this exact stuff to other fellow white folk and I have just had no luck getting it through to them.

Notice how you don’t have any stars for this comment

yay good people do exist!

With that level of security on a phone- assuming you have ready access to your email and that email is tied to a bank account or credit card, I could probably get in those accounts within like five minutes.

Bought an Oculus a month ago and yeah it’s pretty awesome. It has veryyyy limited use right now. I use it specifically for iRacing and it’s really just the best option available. Feels like you’re legit in the car. All we need now is 4k resolution.

Classic dude bro bootlicker responses, “Tell em to do his jerb, if I gave enough derp about anything in my life to protest I’d be fired from my jerb immediately because derp derp derp. MAGA.”

Uh oh man, looks like you set off some feelers from some of the Trumpettes.

You’re spittin hot GIF fire


Dude Alienware 13 R3, just bought one back in March. Love it and it’s got a GTX 1060 in it. Runs VR games no probs, and only set me back like $1500 w/ 16gb ram.

Looks like a NASCAR race tbh.

Lol yeah someone pointed that out to me earlier. Turns out I misunderstood some things—

lol ah look at me trying to be smart. You’re totally right, I misunderstood some things—