
It’s actually much better practice to not use a random string. For example using a sentence like “ionlyeatfastfoodontuesdays!” technically takes much longer to crack than a random string.

Ah what a nice coincidence you’re writing about healthcare when earlier today you were writing about how we shouldn’t be as upset when a mentally ill person is shot/killed by the police.

And the most common thing I see on Facebook from older white GOP folks is “Well we had 3 kids, working one job and we never once had to have the government bail us out. We pulled up our bootstraps and made it work.”

A black staff writer who is writing about how awful white people are while insinuating that a mentally ill person death isn’t worth protesting as much as other police-related deaths.

Yeah, but that’s just like your opinion though and not some literal law of the universe.

Virtual Currency does not carry over to next years game.

I also find it interesting you say I should travel more! I spend around 5-6 months of the year intermittently on the road all across the US.

“Because any of us who see through the phony act that is Bernie Sanders therefore support Trump.”

no, you’re the real data!

Agree 100% — watching football makes me feel really guilty and sometimes I’m like man why do I care so much? I used to love this game, it’s the players choice, etc.

Well there ya go! Just goes to show positive and negative forces can originate from the same place.

lol I met my fiance on a dating app. Been together for 3 years now, but yeah statistically we are prbly the outlier.

Before we touch on that let me ask you this- Earlier you chastised someone else for not ‘researching enough’ and only utilizing CNN talking points, but then you link me to a Fox News post?

First, your argument was that ‘illegals get everything’ and now its “my buddy who is a DACA recipient, lied on his FAFSA and got student loans before.”

Just wanted to reiterate to you now that whenever people stereotype Trump supporters as a kind of “uninformed idiot” that people will look at your particular comment as a shining example of that stereotype. Please take time to think about that. Is that how you want to live your life?

Uhhh what the hell are you talking about. Dreamers can submit a FAFSA, which will give them a SAR. But in no way are they eligible for PELL grants or any other public federal financial aid. *Possibly* state aid, but certainly not federal. It literally says this on the FAFSA website.

Exactly, I’m holding out for the Virtual Console.

I’m pretty mixed on how I feel about this Osteen fiasco. I *think* it could be overblown a bit, but at the same time I really distrust religious figures and especially mega-religious figures such as Osteen.

“They weren’t calling their senators and demanding they stop lying about death panels, or demanding the public option that was a key part of the black President’s platform get passed and not be held up by one or two Senators.”

F1 2017