
First, your argument was that ‘illegals get everything’ and now its “my buddy who is a DACA recipient, lied on his FAFSA and got student loans before.”

Just wanted to reiterate to you now that whenever people stereotype Trump supporters as a kind of “uninformed idiot” that people will look at your particular comment as a shining example of that stereotype. Please take time to think about that. Is that how you want to live your life?

Uhhh what the hell are you talking about. Dreamers can submit a FAFSA, which will give them a SAR. But in no way are they eligible for PELL grants or any other public federal financial aid. *Possibly* state aid, but certainly not federal. It literally says this on the FAFSA website.

Exactly, I’m holding out for the Virtual Console.

I’m pretty mixed on how I feel about this Osteen fiasco. I *think* it could be overblown a bit, but at the same time I really distrust religious figures and especially mega-religious figures such as Osteen.

“They weren’t calling their senators and demanding they stop lying about death panels, or demanding the public option that was a key part of the black President’s platform get passed and not be held up by one or two Senators.”

F1 2017

Who would’ve guessed— a fully grown adult that is a self-proclaimed “flat earther” acts immature and is socially awkward.

As a Thunder fan, I remember specifically a few years ago we lost a game to the lowly Knicks either right before or after the all star break. It was a really bad game that no way we should’ve lost. Anyways we missed the playoffs by one game.

uh you forgot to add your paid advertisement disclosure

Doesn’t matter, most people who would play this game already own it and since it’s now 2x the price it was, I doubt many people are really picking it up anyways.

You think it’s because he’s a flat earther and Lebron wasn’t?

He thought a $21,000 truck was a good idea? sigh... Anyone w/ common sense should know if you’re barely cutting it on bills, DO NOT BUY A 21k vehicle.

I’m sorry, I gotta chime in here. 100% understand the point you’re making. I respect it, but to say the PUBG is ‘promoting’ violence is so disingenuous. This isn’t 2003, I think we’re past the point that just because a game has guns/killing in it does not == violence in real life.

Ultimately I would need some sort of career mode before I considered this really. Looks dope, but I doubt I’d play a bunch of multiplayer and aside from that... idk looks really cool though.

I’m sorry, but I think you missed the part where I said I don’t receive any subsidies. So try again!

I mean if we didn’t want this to happen then we shouldn’t have elected Trump. Next time we know we cannot rest on our laurels, hoping that ‘our guy’ will win the election because their guy is a dingus.

My ACA plan is $120 per mo, no subsidies, and 1k deductible. Seems okay to me... But I understand that doesn’t really fit the narrative tho

My ACA insurance is very cheap even without subsidies, but no one likes to talk about that.

:( dont say that man, I’ll be your ally