
And this is why I don’t eat at places like this anymore. Well partially because it’s unhealthy af, but now I can also feel gratified in knowing that I am also combatting fast food automation. Suck it McDonalds!

Oh come on, I’ve spent the last two nights playing it nonstop. It’s great. I seriously doubt you would regret picking it up if you are a fan of Bioware games. And I really disliked DAI too. But this shiz is totally fine.

I’m a Computer Science major, mind you.

As a resident of royally fucked deep red-state, I have no problem marginalizing the shit out of conservatives. It’s the only thing the rest of us non-idiot types can do to fight back.

Agreed, it’s really going to be interesting to see how this will affect player salaries down the line somehow. I know NBA has a pretty sweet deal locking in now, but what happens for the next contract and the owners aren’t collecting as much revenue from TV. I can only imagine this will have a major ripple on player

lol I could do that too, even with just a single thumb. At the time I was super naive about texting-driving, but it didn’t matter so much because I could text without even having to look with just a single hand holding the phone. Texting was just way easier with that, but whatevs I like having the full keyboard.

After taking time to think about it, I think I will just go ahead and stick it out. I do love the idea of the Switch, no sense in abandoning it yet and hopefully getting the VC up and running wont take too long.

Not to just be that guy, but I’m sorta thinking about reconsidering my preorder. Maybe that’s short-sided of me to think that, but aside from Zelda I just don’t know what I’m going to play on this system for at least several months now. VC was literally the one thing that was giving me hope to get me by for the time

idk man, I got myself a PS4, PC and next Friday I’ll have a Switch as well. Of all the selling points my PS4 has, I’d say it is the ease of use/lack of hassle that typically will get me to fire that up over my PC.

I was digging through his advanced stats so I could find some witty response to prove you wrong that he’s not that bad of a player and... well you’re right. If he was like a 1st or 2nd year guy, I’d be like whatevs. But he’s so overpaid so aside from an improved 3pt% and with the stage he’s been given to play on, he’s

too soon, man

This review has officially persuaded me to buy the game. Good work!

+1 for that straight fireeeeee

Fortunately for me, I was actually wondering that so thanks!

I got mine on Best Buy well after Amazon had sold out. Spur of the moment decision but I’m totally looking forward to March 3rd.

Im not a Nintendo fanboy, PS for life really but I preordered a Switch because I think it looks awesome. Not sure why it’s getting all the hate.

It’s funny how people interpret things because I remember thinking last night, “hey this is cool, the people look normal but then you have short little Mario”.

If you want to see what they think just go hop on the_donald subreddit. They don’t care we’re besties with Russia now. Hell they think it’s awesome. I’m not saying maintaining good relationships with them is a negative, but we certainly don’t want to end up the USSA.

I voted for neither however I can say I *think* your analysis is slightly off. Trump won because a lot of people think Clinton sucks and a lot of people thought Trump sucked too. Trump won w/ less votes than Romney received when he lost in 2012. Clinton got 5 million less votes than Obama did in 2012. To me, what that
