
Wait why did you put quotations around the word President? Are you implying he is not actually the President?

What do you even mean? It literally says on his website who is favored to win. Its pretty fucking clear. I’m sorry but I have no idea what you’re getting at with this comment. It’s very clear who is predicted to win on 538.

Ted Cruz: Obtained consent, still wasn’t sure if okay to grab pussy.

Okay you can have your replacement Samsung Bomb 7, while I’ll go get all my monies from a big lawsuit that I would most likely win given the incriminating evidence I would have on hand(phone) that he *SHOULD KEEP* because that is legal evidence in a lawsuit. I mean come on man how hard is this to understand? Really

TL:DR; The link is to a report of him being caught with a 9mm handgun and some ‘funny cigarettes’ in a backpack in the trunk of his car during the offseason in LA, back in like 2009.

Unbiased photos? Those pictures are literally from ‘the conservative treehouse’. They are posing as a metaphorical treehouse for conservatives. I would say that’s about as biased as it would get bruh.

FYI don’t bother calling Sprint. Here is what they said via chat(I’m an existing customer):

Dude it seriously is wayyy faster at simulating and moving around menus. I know *exactly* what you’re talking about. The menu layout is similar to before, but I have been consistently surprised how smooth you can flip through it all. AND whenever you ‘advance to next week’ in the season, it doesn’t take like 3 minutes

Aside from the obvious selection of KD at #2, selecting Russ, Harden, Ibaka, Jackson, Adams, Payne, Sabonis, Roberson have all been excellent draft picks. Unless you just have unbelievable high standards, I’d say his drafting ability is easily among the top 5 GM’s in the league. I’d love to compare those picks w/ what

I know what you’re saying with Schultz probably having an ungodly amount of money. However, Bennett & Co. bought the team for about 1/3rd of the cost the team is now valued. Similar w/ all NBA teams as you may be aware, due to the new TV contracts and the selling of the Clippers a couple years ago, the value of said

I love remastered games. As a person who owns both console and PC. Bring it on. Just don’t overcharge me of course, but the older entries in this Batman series to me are very welcomed for a new HD upgrade. I’m just looking for an excuse to play them again. Same w/ Skyrim. Just my two cents.

I bought a $300 Acer Chromebook, installed Ubuntu on it and strictly use that. It’s awesome, never had Linux before until now. I can’t imagine ever spending money on a Macbook/Windows laptop ever again.

Sweet, another cool looking Zelda game on a console I’ll probably never own :(

Wait so it’s not the same thing? :( DAMN YOU BETHESDA!

Yeah but have you ever been to Houston? That place sucks!

Yeah! Bring on the cheap labor!

Yeah and if a Bernie supporter had done that, then fuck them to hell too. But wait, that’s not what *THIS* story is about. So shut the fuck up.

Yeah, Ready Player One is great in my eyes. Sorry you couldn't enjoy it.

Lol yeah well that's just like, your opinion man.

My debit card info got hacked from PSN this past week and cleaned out parts of my bank account. Luckily, I can recover everything. But i'm getting very sick of the lack of security from Sony and i'm sick of these slimy kids pulling these pranks thinking they're being righteous somehow by doing that.