I wanna tell you you’re wrong, but I can’t, baby,’cause you’re not!
I wanna tell you you’re wrong, but I can’t, baby,’cause you’re not!
I feel like either Clancy Brown’s rightly celebrated JLU Lex Luthor or John Shea’s criminally underrated Lois & Clark Lex Luthor should be somewhere on the list, but I can’t decide where.
Man - I used to love Pennsatucky. My favorite relationship on OITNB was between her and Boo. Sad to find out she’s such a nutjob.
This is mostly a good list, but Highlander 2 is a pretty glaring omission. I can't think of a worse sequel than that.
your mother Trebek.
I can’t think who’d peg that as their first guess... my immediate response would be Patrick Stewart as Professor X.
We sort of peg Robert Downey Jr as the original thespian-level actor taking a massive pop-culture franchise role, but McKellen as Gandalf (and the IP of LoTR, plus the 3-in-1 filming) predates all of it.
Sean Connery is coming out of the woodwork? Yikes. Avoid Scottish cemeteries at all costs!
Famously, Connery rejected the part because he didn’t understand it. After seeing how much bank LotR made, he signed up for the next part he didn’t understand.
They’re still not adapting your screenplay, bro.
Considering they culled a bunch of older content, I would venture “not long”
To be honest, most writers in Hollywood are garbage (just think of all the shit the produce). This is the perfect time for them to revaluate their life and move into another profession.
This is what happens when studios get taken over by Wall Street accountant dipshits instead of people from the entertainment business (who, while still concerned with making a buck, at least still had a passion for the ‘show’ part of show business).
“with Chuck Lorre’s deal apparently having been suspended already.”
TBH, if you find yourself making bitter comments about Hollywood at 3 in the morning on a pop culture website, and making up words like “revaluate” to do so, perhaps it is *you* that needs to take a long hard look in the mirror. You are not exactly in the position to be doling out any life or “profession” advice.
Most shite in Hollywood is not the fault of the writers. There’s a world of difference between having a good script and having a good finished product. Numerous other factors are in play; terrible studio notes, tight budgets, short schedules, actors , writers or directors falling short and of course various random…
How dare writers and work staff be paid enough to do more than eat scraps out of a dumpster. These unions are pure communism for working against the mega-wealthy, for sure.