
We need a movement to persuade Jon Stewart to step down. It’s clear he is no longer fit for the job. His memory is clearly failing him if he doesn’t remember  this:

People say Jon and Bill are really different, but all I see is two rich out-of-touch white guys who should have stayed retired.

The overwhelming majority of actors are unsuccessful, but they still act anyway. It’s the sort of thing that a lot of people do for the sheer love of it, while working regular day jobs.

I support anything that makes award shows end faster.

These are concerns many Democratic voters have because, for the last 10 years, they’ve been told that Democracy is about to crumble if they don’t vote.

polls showed Biden losing to a hypothetical “generic Democratic candidate.”

Democrats need to fucking get over 2016 and stop acting like every election from now until the end of time is some sort of repeat of it. 2016 happened because voters stayed home, assuming Hillary Clinton’s win was inevitable. And that was because no one, not even Donald Trump, though Donald Trump could be president.

You know what? Maybe “pretty dull TV” is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD WANT FROM OUR PRESIDENT.

Trump didn’t get elected last time. He was beaten by the dull old man who doesn’t care about making exciting TV.

If it’s been this way for two years then we can agree that the debate didn’t cause any of this. It is, at worst, a missed opportunity. Hence why this post-debate panic is silly.

I can’t think of a single 87 year old American congressman who lost an election and then attempted to regain his seat in the next election, but sure, okay.

Plenty of people care that Trump is a lying sociopath, that’s a big reason for why he lost in 2020, and why he has never won a majority of votes despite eight years of the media and half our political establishment falling over themselves to worship him.

The polls have shown a roughly +2% boost for Trump, which is actually lower than average for the winner of a debate. And historically it’s very unlikely that most or even any of that bump will be permanent. Typically debate bumps evaporate after 2-3 weeks.

If Biden is on the ballot in November then Lindelof is going to vote for him no matter what. The same is true of every person who is panicking over this debate performance. The whole thing is a non-story pumped up by a media that is pathetically desperate to manufacture drama.

It’s nice to see that conservatives are already making practicing what excuses to make if the interview goes well. Really shows confidence.

Millions of people are going to hear James Dean read that fanfic where Iron Man gets it on with three of the Doctor Whos.

OpenAI has never made money and yet the company is worth $80 billion.

Of course it’s not for her. She clearly enjoys good movies.

Considering her views have had exactly zero impact on the sales of any and all things Harry Potter