
I’m sick of wondering whether or not I’m a good person. Finally I can just let a cookie decide my character and act according to its judgement.

Who is all this secrecy for? Most people who are going to see Wicked already know it’s a musical. The rest of its potential audience are people who are going to see it because it’s a prequel to The Wizard of Oz....which was ALSO a musical.

IF is an original, big-budget Hollywood release

On the other hand, a tremendous amount of property damage has been traced back to someone named Art Vandalay.

You don’t understand, he’s the perfect choice because he had a TV show that ended before most of these students were even born.

Today’s woke culture won’t even let a human woman marry a bee!

Fun fact: The Light Brigade only charged because their commander was a dumbass and misunderstood an order from his superior. They were supposed to attack a completely different area. If anything, the charge is an example of the foolishness of blind obedience, as common sense would have told the men that attacking that

If you name your show Not Dead Yet then you’re basically just setting yourself up for someone to cancel you just for the punchline.

(Compare it to Dan Harmon’s Krapopolis, which only does slightly better, but has already been renewed through season 3.)

Seven seasons? Wow, so it’s been that long since conservatives assured us that the show would be cancelled instantly without Roseanne in it.

None of this matters. The show is a Netflix miniseries, which means that eight days from now nobody on Earth will remember it ever existed.

In even more shocking news, John Wick star Keanu Reeves has never even killed anybody.

Morrison has said they prefer “they/them” but are cool with “he/him.” They’ve said they have been “non-binary, cross-dressing, genderqueer” since they were school aged but lacked the vocabulary to talk about it publicly until the last few years.

A lot of this was due to Marvel making last-minute changes to Morrison’s final story arc, as they were unhappy with a lot of Grant’s ideas. This is also why Grant has done very little work for Marvel since leaving New X-Men.

They do this:

Harry Potter had a HUGE LGBT following. In the early 90's when queer themes in kids books were forbidden, a lot of kids took solace in the metaphorical power of a story where a kid who literally lives inside a closet gets to come out and experience a whole magical world far away from his restrictive family.

“Experimental treatments” that have been used with tremendous success for over 50 years (in the case of puberty blockers) and for almost a century (in the case of gender reassignment surgery.)

Farting Corpse is unironically a more well-written character than Harry Potter.

Yeah, most years only one or two of their students are horribly killed.

I don’t think they’re saying the Doctor is meant to be canonically queer, but the character can certainly be queer-coded. Science fiction is build on metaphor, so why not this one?