
It’s a symptom of the ridiculous growth-driven era of capitalism we’re stuck in. It’s no longer good for a product to be consistently popular and successful: it has to be MORE successful every single time, or it’s a failure.

Hulk, Thor, and Dr. Strange are overpowered too, but for some reason being overpowered is only a problem for people when Carol’s around.

The dinner was cancelled for three years after Trump became president because he was terrified of being made fun of. So I feel like there’s at least a LITTLE truth to power going on.

“Everyone secretly agrees with me, and my source is: my feelings” is the cheapest, most generic bigot excuse there is. The absolute pinnacle of intellectual laziness.

I mean, at least they’re still making new Star Wars stuff, even if most of it is bad. The last Harry Potter book came out in 2007. Since then there have been some underwhelming spinoffs, but the main story is completely done. What the hell do these people do, re-read the same books written for 10 year olds over and

Whether she’s a Baby Boomer is a matter of debate because she was born in 1965. Since the end dates for generations are not set in stone, she’s either one of the youngest Baby Boomers or one of the oldest Gen Xers.

Yeah, you did, and you know you did.

I dunno, in retrospect the whole “wizards can own slaves and that’s a good thing” part should have been a warning.

I used to think misogyny was when you hate women, but now I know that the true definition of misogyny is when you disagree with a rich entitled white lady who has devoted her life to bullying one specific minority group.

In your previous post you said there were trans victims of the Holocaust. Now you say there aren’t.

A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.

J. K. Rowling is perhaps our greatest living author today.

Two seasons ago there was an episode about how Marge directed a play in high school. The play was about Y2k.

Wrong. The Simpsons is a documentary, and the events occurred in real time.

They’re going to keep desperately recycling the original Potter books forever because it’s the only popular thing she wrote before she went crazy.


Yes, but you’ll notice that Charles Xavier with hair has only been allowed when he’s not played by Sir Patrick.

No disrespect to Emma Corrin, but that casting is terrible. Cassandra Nova should be played by a confident old lady. Especially since she’s supposed to be the twin sister of a character played by Patrick Stewart, who is famously Not Young and better that way. Seeing a young Cassandra Nova is like seeing Patrick

Like Doomsday, Nova was a great villain for the one specific story arc she was created for, and they never should have brought her back after that story was over. Every time she’s come back since then, it’s felt forced and she’s been less interesting.