
How can I get in touch with Ryan Reynolds, I have an extremely original concept (do not steal) for him called the Dowerduff Girls.

You don’t understand, it was the first movie to ever have a mummy in it.

Here is my challenge to Netflix: Make an episode of Bridgerton that’s SO horny that the version you send to Nicola’s parents is no more than 12 seconds long.

What the hell does it augment, exactly? AI art looks like an ugly imitation of real art at best, and most of the time it’s a weird mess where everyone has 19 fingers and an extra leg. AI writing is barely comprehensible gobbledygook. People hate interacting with AI customer service so much that there are entire

The wealthy techbros say they want to create a future without work, but the moment someone suggests Universal Basic Income, those same techbros are the first people to condemn the idea. They’re either too dumb to realize that under our current system “no one has to work” equates to “everyone is broke.” Or that’s

That was really cute. Next, you should try your corporate shill routine in front of some of the thousands of people who have already lost their jobs to AI.

I never had much interest in seeing Joker but I would totally buy a ticket to a well-made Lex Luthor film. Just like Joker seems to be built on the bones of Tax Driver, Luthor could be a supervillain version of Wall Street. What if Gordon Gecko was a mad scientist?

Stealing a giant corporation’s overexposed character and getting away with it seems both quite daring, and like something The Joker would do (well, the 60's Joker, but still.)

That could be part of the new show! Works perfectly with Zach’s new career as a multiple felon.

They basically lost interest in Game of Thrones because they were all excited for their next projects, but they forgot that the main reason anyone wanted to give them new projects was because it was assumed they’d stick the landing on Game of Thrones. Oops.

Except he didn’t write that. He wrote a novel called 三体, pronounced “San Ti,” which means “Three Body.”

You can’t “create” something that originated as another form of media. That’s called “adaptation.”

Benioff and Weiss are the “creators” of 3 Body Problem now? I’m sure that’ll come as a big surprise to Liu Cixin, given that he wrote the original novel 16 years ago.

Human spelling bees, dogs and cats maintaining a respectful distance...mass on Sundays!

I think it comes down to the way television writing has changed. Shows are expected to be serialized now in a way they weren’t during the run of the classic show. But what kind of serialized story can you do on Doctor Who? Since they visit a new location every week, a serialized story would have to revolve around one

I think it didn’t really get bad until the 11th Doctor and Clara, who they decided to retcon into all the most important moments of the Doctor’s life just because.

If Kate didn’t want to be in the public eye then why did she release a badly photoshopped photo of herself? She could have just gone completely silent for a few weeks, but she chose not to.

Those “fucking ghouls” paid for the giant castle Kate and her family come home to after a long day of doing absolutely nothing, so I think it’s more than a fair trade that they occasionally get to express interest in what’s going on with the family that’s living off their tax money while contributing nothing to the

If she wanted the public to ignore her, then choosing to release a badly photoshopped picture that absolutely no one asked for is a weird way to go about that.

It never ends because they’ll keep rebooting it forever. It’s like Spider-Man.