
What really gets me is that none of these productions using AI are up-front about it. They all try to sneak that shit in through the margins where they think no one will notice. The end credits of Secret Invasion, the creepy crowd scene in Prom Pact, the poster for Fallout the series, now this. None of these

Those “this could have been a dream job for an artist”-type of tweets ring really hollow to me, since generally (albeit not always) an art department will hire all the graphic artists they need for a movie, and then those artists will create all of the art for the movie.

Well, in the sequel it’s established that the Ghostbusters went out of business a couple of years after the first movie, not to mention hit with tons of property damage lawsuits. They never franchised anything. So yeah, Ray definitely lost the house.

Ironically, Ghostbusters 2016 fits this description, but it sucked for reasons unrelated to nostalgia (or gender.)

The advertising seems terrified of upsetting these 40something crybabies who spent 2016 whining about how having lady Ghostbusters ruined their childhoods. So now I guess we’re not allowed to advertise movies as being fun anymore, instead they are sacred objects of cultural worship and we must be careful never to

Ghostbusters 2016 was bad, but at least it was bad in a “swing for the fences and strike out” sort of way. At least it tried to do something relatively new with the concept.

I’m bored with this already.

The Teen Titans animated series made it a point not to do any origin stories and that ended up being the most popular incarnation of this franchise ever made. It’ll be fine.

“That’s longer than Phineas and Ferb’s four-year summer vacation.”

Actually, forget every season, every EPISODE should end that way, just in case the head writer or main actor are struck by lightning before they can make more. TV should never take risks or try out new ideas, it’s irresponsible!

We know that the show was highly popular in its first season. I don’t think Max released numbers for season two, though, but given WB’s habit of killing everything that isn’t Game of Thrones-related these days, that may not say anything negative about its numbers.


Season orders get revoked and studios break their word. Until the show is literally on the air, there are no guarantees. So you may as well just write the story you want to write and hope for the best.

The books’ popularity has dropped off significantly, but they still sell better than most other book series. It’s no longer this massive cultural phenomenon, but it’s still popular enough to milk for a bit of extra money. But it feels like it peaked quite a while ago and the kids who are reading it now are doing so

Yeah, but Harry Potter DID end, though. All we’ve gotten since then are a bunch of terrible prequels. Which makes the whole thing even more pathetic. It doesn’t even have a *narrative* reason to keep going.

People don’t worship Rowling because of her mediocre writing, they worship her because she’s a raging bigot and that makes them feel validated about hating the same people she does. It’s similar to why so many people adore Donald Trump.

Yeah, the only unusual thing here is that Iger mentioned cancelling projects at all, since that’s something studios do all the time. Maybe these projects were further along than usual?

The irony is that most of the guys who spend all their time sobbing and whining about “woke” content will never be parents.

That’s the gist of it, yeah. But it also means you can use whatever combination of those you want when talking to them.

Everyone has pronouns, including you. Relax.