
Jon does do the call and response thing often enough, though. But I think in this case he would have looked hypocritical if he’d let the boos go on, since his thesis was that Democrats can beat Trump, but they need to do it with an actual presidential campaign, not by throwing him off the ballot.

To be fair, the people who voted for Trump also claim to hate Hollywood and also want different movies. It’s just that they movies they want to see are either about Jesus, or about a muscular white guy who beats up foreigners.

Sure, just like there were people drooling over those stupid NFT cartoons a couple of years ago. Doesn’t mean they’ll ever appeal to normal people.

Today in forced snark:

Any subtitle he gave it would make it seem like a sequel, and they’ve been pretty clear that it’s not that. So giving it the most simple title possible is a smart choice.

Gunn has actually been pretty adamant that he is not doing an origin story, on the grounds that everyone knows that story already.

Leaving your plot unresolved until the next installment is in fact what a cliffhanger is. 

Empire ends with a major character’s left in serious peril, his fate unresolved, while the rest of the good guys regroup after a disastrous setback, complete with a final shot of our heroes rallying together with hope still in their hearts. Spider-verse ends pretty much the same way, with the only major change being

Rocksteady built the Arkham games around the idea of Batman. How does he fight, how does he operate, what’s his arsenal, his go-to strategies? They started with the character and built the gameplay around that.

If that’s a digital game then it has no excuse for looking so basic and dull.

What nerds are demanding it? I’ve seen an absolutely nonexistent level of enthusiasm for this show among fans of the original, especially after the horrible movie basically put them off the idea of live action Avatar permanently.

Hollywood loves to adapt stuff that’s already popular, but until recently, cartoons were considered off-limits because they couldn’t be replicated faithfully. Of course there have been a few attempts in the past, like that 90's Flintstones movie with John Goodman, but it was reportedly a nightmare to make, and the

The man had one idea ever and he used it up for season 1. Ten years later he’s still cranky about that.

Wait, so did they decide to do a shared universe thing with season 1? I watched season 1 when it came out a decade ago but don’t remember many details, do I need to rewatch it to enjoy Night Country?

I just hope that Sony continues to throw money at adapting one-dimensional Z-list Spider-Man characters because if they do it long enough we will eventually get a movie about Big Wheel and then this whole Marvel thing will have been worth the trouble.

Miles is gonna be a soldier till the war is won. Judo flip!

Barsanti after watching the second movie in a trilogy and discovering that it was written like it was the second movie in a trilogy:

Kurtzman didn’t create Lower Decks either, and that show’s getting a fifth season.