
Our only hope is that Microsoft decides to throw massive amounts of money at an unpopular product for no reason. So season 3 is basically guaranteed.

Sorry, we’ve just received word that the full title of the movie will be Dr. Richards in the Multiverse of Bullshit

The Fantastic Four are great, the problem is the movies, not the concept.

Mr. Fantastic is older than most other superheroes in the comics (hence the trademark grey temples) so I’m actually glad they cast an older actor for the role. Not every superhero needs to be a buff guy in his 20's, especially not a professor type like Reed.

The magazine The Thing is reading is an actual issue of Life Magazine (the person on the cover is Lyndon Johnson) which was published in December 1963.

The point was that Multiverse of Madness was 2 hour movie with 30 minutes worth of plot at best and they had to shove something in there to fill the rest of it.

That’s why I’m wary of their recently announced film, “Spider-Man VS The Indian Ocean.”

The best thing all of us can do, as a society, is just ignore Secret Invasion.

So you can buy an entire anime series and then a megacorp can just delete the stuff you paid for. The capitalists really don’t want us to own anything, huh? Seems like there’s not much we can do.

The entire reason this article exists is because people were excited for this movie. There was a public outcry over the film which is why WB tried to start a bidding war over it instead of cancelling it quietly. So yes, a lot of people wanted this.

No, I said STREAM. Streamed shows. That’s what I call TV programs! It’s a regional dialect.

Hey kids, remember that episode of That’s So Raven where she couldn’t decide which boy to ask to Homecoming? Well, now it’s in theaters. Twelve dollars. Please, we need this.

Some examples include the popular Disney Plus cooking show “Steam That Rice,” their National Geographic documentary “History of Steam Engines,” and of course, The Book of Boba Fett.

Easiest way to avoid that is for the voice director to just instruct Johnson to match the previous actors’ performance as closely as possible. Given that the prior actor was probably hired based on being able to sound like Johnson, that shouldn’t be too difficult. Though Dwayne might not be too thrilled to have such

They’re about to become the highest-paid dub actors in history.

The original cast was actually signed up to begin with. If this thing is close enough to completion that they’re releasing it this year, then they probably recorded all their lines a while ago. Though they might be brought in to record new dialog if the movie version ends up being significantly different from the

If by some stupid miracle she were to win, just imagine how the actual acting gig would play out. She’s demanding an acting role, but she can’t demand creative control, so if Disney were forced to employ her, they’d probably just kill her off her first scene. Or have her film some token scenes and then cut all of them

Well, her last movie made about twelve dollars so I can see why she’s desperate to get back on Disney’s payroll.

Almost any TV or movie actor’s contract will contain a clause saying that the studio can fire them if they sufficiently make a public embarrassment of themselves, and what constitutes enough embarrassment is completely determined to the studio.

It took this guy 20 years to figure out that a $200 billion megacorp doesn’t care about people. Truly amazing.