
Nah, fandom is a neutral thing. All it means is that you like something.

there is no other character trait to them outside of “they are queer”.

If you don’t care then why are you objecting to people doing it?

Republicans are not entitled to a guest appearance on SNL, and Yang is not required to be welcoming to a bunch of shitheads who want to destroy his human rights.

Keeping politics out of art is impossible. Keeping politicians out of art is easy and almost always preferable.

Since when is Shane Gillis a “name,” though?

Oh, come on. If you’re not gonna get a jolly fat guy to play Ben Franklin then what’s even the point.

Rest assured, none of this is happening because Marvel “learned a lesson,” it’s because Hollywood was shut down by a strike for half of last year and a bunch of major productions were delayed. Captain America 4 and Thunderbolts were also supposed to come out this year.

Amazing how the original Avatar show already predicted this remake.

Please tell us about your decades of TV industry experience so we can compare.

Oh no, they “threatened” to restore Floridians’ right to free speech? What a nightmare! What evil thing will Disney do next, pet a kitten?

Wait, so Dead Boy Detectives is part of Netflix’s “Sandman Universe” now? Because it got a really obvious (but charming!) backdoor pilot in an episode of Doom Patrol on Max, and was originally announced as a spinoff of THAT show. There was a good deal of hype for it among Doom Patrol fans, so now they...go and put it

Yeah man, because if there’s one group of people who ALWAYS care about quality, it’s Hollywood executives, the artistic renegades who greenlit nine Transformers movies and counting.

It’s amazing the way these grifters always go for the scariest-sounding language possible. Apparently “persuading people to vote” is considered “ballot-harvesting” now.

Both are smart choices. Basically everyone knows Superman’s origin, but most people don’t know Supergirl’s, especially since DC has retconned and changed her origin multiple times.

Wow, it sure is convenient how every single movie that gets cancelled just happens to be “terrible.” At least according to people who have no way of knowing how good it was since, you know, it was cancelled.

I’m two weeks late to this party, but I can’t help thinking of how the previous episode ended when I think of this one: Asher telling Whitney “If one day you don’t need me anymore, I’ll vanish. You won’t even have to say anything, I’ll just feel it and I’ll be gone.” And in this episode, with the birth of their child,

This accusation that Stewart’s ego got the best of him reads like a take from an alternate reality. Stewart was, if anything, almost too humble. He’d go out of his way to dismiss himself and his show as just the ramblings of a silly comedian and would often make the argument that it was pathetic that his show was

Good news, Greta: The next movie you make is getting a Best Director nomination no matter what, because the Academy is going to feel obligated to make up for this snub. That’s right, the pressure’s off, girl! Go make whatever the hell you want! That Barbie Apology statue is yours, just as surely as there’s an Oscar on

They weren’t visual effects at all, Nolan built and detonated a bunch of actual atomic bombs, for realism. By the way, if you attended that movie’s premiere, please see an oncologist.