
Problem is, the “there were just too many good directors this year” argument gets used *every* year. And it’s usually true that there’s a lot of good directors, but the fact that this happens year after year just emphasizes the fact that the Academy’s approach is “nominate the dudes first, then maybe we can consider

I feel like Ezra’s antics of choking women, committing assault, trying to steal people’s identities, committing robbery, and threatening to murder people, are on a different spectrum of behavior from “being an 11 year old girl” or “having dementia.”

FF15 was one of those games I’m glad I didn’t play until years after its release.  Once all the DLC came out and could be bought together with the main game in a Definitive Edition package (and also that one really tedious chapter got a patch that vastly improved it) the game feels much more complete. The DLC side

Nah, the story was what saved FF15. The fact that it focused so much on the relationships between the party members, and on the simple act of hanging out together and bonding as friends, elevated it past all the silly loredumps and worldbuilding and talk of magic crystals.

Pretty shocked not to see Ezra Miller anywhere on here. And on that note, The Flash is nowhere to be found either, and it should really be on the Worst Picture list. That was the biggest flop in a year of superhero flops, but more importantly it was also an aggressively insulting movie that forced us to endure two of

It’s okay to exploit the dead so long as you do it for less than four minutes, says man who doesn’t know he’s on the internet.

Okay, but who cares? Their motivations don’t really matter in this case. The game is preserved regardless, and there are thousands of games which ONLY still exist because someone pirated them.

I feel like people who make the “Starfleet is a military” argument are taking its aesthetics too seriously. Just because Starfleet has uniforms, a chain of command, and adheres to many Naval traditions, does not mean it is a Navy in the military sense. NASA also has uniforms but you don’t see them declaring war on

The word “capitalism” appears nowhere in that article but this is the internet so I don’t know why I’m surprised that someone is inventing a pretend reason to be mad about something.

This is the first Star Trek episode to even acknowledge that Tuxiv existed since the episode aired 28 years ago. Not even Voyager ever mentioned him again. And this isn’t the only discussion the characters have about it, it runs through the episode with the consistent vibe of “Yeah, Janeway murdered a guy.” Which is

The merger monster thing was a threat to everyone’s lives. Tuvix was not a threat to anyone. It’s not the same thing.

I love Gamepass, too. I also love having the option to own certain games that are special to me forever. I should not have to give up the second choice in order to enjoy the first.

Machinegames specializes in games about killing Nazis so they’re okay in my book.

Seems like a neat game, too bad I’m not allowed to own it.

Neelix played a crucial role, in that at the start of each episode the important characters are hanging out in the mess hall and Neelix goes “don’t you want to try my Andorian Stew?” and they do and then Neelix vanishes for the rest of the episode.

Kudos to Lower Decks for taking a hard stand on this one. Whether you agree with their take or not I appreciate them having Starfleet officers call Janeway out in canon.

Call me crazy but I prefer video games that have effort put into them.

I don’t think Fox is hurting for funds to make new animated shows given that they literally have too many to air on a single night anymore. They greenlit THREE SEASONS of Krapopolis before the first episode even aired. That is not the action of a network that’s strapped for cartoon money.

I mean, those things aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have a show with meaning and character development, and which also knows how to laugh at itself. That’s what She-Hulk was. It wasn’t perfect but it did was it did really well, and more importantly, it showed us that we don’t need to take the MCU so goddamned