
Punisher’s first season was pretty decent. Jon Bernthal gives a fantastic performance, it avoids being lazy violence porn which is always a danger for that character, and it ends perfectly, with no need for any more. And this is proven further by its horrendous second season, which alternates between being a dull

That whole take about attention spans is so tired, and also straight up incorrect. For all the freedom to mess with runtimes that streaming supposedly offers, TV runtimes haven’t really changed much; we’re still using the half hour comedy/one hour drama model for the most part. In fact, the whole concept of

All the Sopranos are here to celebrate! Homer Soprano, Marge Soprano, Bart Soprano, fun fact I have never watched this show.

He can bring it up without being such a crybaby about it.

That’s because Dave knows how to laugh at himself, whereas Jo went onstage and whined about how everyone should be required to laugh at themselves except him.

Me, for 20 years: No, Anastasia actually isn’t a Disney princess, in fact the director of that movie actually quit Disney in the 80's to make his own films and-

Star wars has tanked in popularity since she took the helm

You can’t really compare anything she’s done before

It’s funny because a lot of those crybabies will ramble on and on about how movies were better before members of the woke mob like Kennedy ruined them, and then as examples of great movies they’ll list off a bunch of films she worked on.

Now playing

Meanwhile, everything I know about the Sopranos (seriously, I have never watched a minute of this show) I learned from this comedic review of the 2006 Sopranos Playstation 2 game.

The highest-grossing movie of the holiday season was a musical. I don’t know where this “audiences hate musicals” perception comes from because it’s certainly not backed up by box office numbers.

The novelty of ‘28 Mickey being in the public domain will wear off, but he’ll still retain that status forever, which gives people plenty of time to come up with interesting takes on him. Everything we’re seeing now is basically meme stuff on the level of “We can make Mickey Mouse say fuck!”

The article is about Elon’s excessive use of Ecstasy, LSD, cocaine and ketamine.

Plot twist! There’s already a sequel to Goodfellas, where Henry is played by Steve Martin!

When was it ever not considered canon? Nothing that happens in any of the Netflix shows contradicts any of the other MCU projects. I doubt that a single person who saw Daredevil show up in Spidey No Way Home thought “Well obviously that’s not the same Matt Murdock from the Netflix shows, it’s a completely different

a franchise blowjob full of cameos?” You just described that entire movie.

If it’s any consolation, Patrick, the entire movie was frustrating and disappointing to watch so at least you didn’t suffer alone.

the simpsons is still going, but they average 2 million viewers an episode, as opposed to 13 in their heyday.

You know what, I MISS filler episodes. I miss having shows where characters were allowed to hang out now and then and not every single moment had to be devoted to preventing the end of the world. People tend to label any episode where a major plot revelation doesn’t happen as “filler” (“none of the main cast were