
This is an excellent point. The overall viewership is probably several times the UK figure.

Terfs love to pretend that they’re the majority, that they speak for all women, and so forth. This news is a nice reminder that they’re a tiny, tiny fringe group. And that’s an important thing for people to know.

The fact they didn’t get a lot of complaints is no one is watching anymore.

This is not the greatest song in the world, this is just a tribute.

Don’t worry, looks like they’ll ruin it with AI soon enough.

Rye Lane did not go straight to Hulu. It was released theatrically last January, which means it’s eligible.

Rye Lane IS eligible. It had a theatrical release in January 2023 at Sundance, and only came to Hulu two months later. Speaking of research skills, it took me 30 seconds to obtain this info.

Not only did they not support them, Disney basically went out of their way to reward the harassers. How did Disney handle the racist backlash against Tran after Last Jedi? By cutting her character from the next movie almost completely. She went from the most important new character in Episode 8, to barely more than a

Recycling the exact same argument you clowns used for NFT’s two years ago, I see. Well, I guess if you guys were capable of coming up with new ideas, you wouldn’t need AI.

It seems like all Disney really did here was go “can you have The Doctor show up earlier?” and leave the rest to RTD. All the actual stuff in the scene came from him.

Which kids? The only MCU children I can think of are T’Challa JR (who shows up in one brief post-credit scene and is otherwise never seen anywhere) and Wanda’s two sons (who are pretty essential characters for her arc in the comics.)

I guess if you put a gun to my head I’ll say that I think the Snyder Cut is better because it gives Cyborg an actual personality and storyline, but everything else it adds is either stuff no one cares about, or teasers for movies that will never be made. So really, they’re both trash.

The Suicide Squad is a masterpiece and I honestly go back and forth on whether or not it or Wonder Woman deserve to be #1. I do not understand how you can put nihilistic tripe like Man of Steel above that.

It seems like there’s just no way to escape all these ads. It’s a bit of a torrent. Of ads, I mean.

You get all sorts of exciting content, like Car Commercial and Fast Food Commercial and That Same Car Commercial Again.

Or the person who left Ruby on the steps IS the Doctor’s Daughter (AKA Jenny from the 2008 episode titled...The Doctor’s Daughter. We last saw her blasting into space with the intention of having adventures like her dad.)

The Doctor seeing himself as a foundling is a great idea: it not only gives Fifteen a bit of pathos, but it provides the emotional anchor for all the Timeless Child stuff that Chibnall’s writing never gave us.

I do think it was a mistake to have Xavier get out of the wheelchair, but the problem is that he’s lost and then regained the use of his legs like four or five times by now. It’s getting silly, even for Marvel.

It’ll happen in 2035 (assuming no more copyright laws change.) That’ll be 95 years since the release of the short cartoon The Pointer, Mickey’s first appearance in his modern design.

Plot twist: Art is subjective.