
Eh, they still waited for the convictions before pulling this trigger.

Can’t imagine that voicemail would be terribly flattering, either.

Don’t mention Ant Man and asses when Thanos is around.

Now suddenly everyone’s like “Oh boy, now they can bring in Dr. Doom to replace him for the rest of the multiverse saga!”

At this point I think it’s safe to say that One Piece being long is a feature, not a bug. The prospect of following a long, epic story for an extended period of time appeals to some people, and not to others. Either way is valid.

People act like One Piece is the Dark Souls of anime but it’s really a very easy show to binge.

Fun fact, in Japan popular anime often get turned into stage musicals, but instead of doing that for One Piece, they adapted it into a Kabuki play because that’s considered classier.

Zack then spent the following six months in a state of shock after he learned the doctor was named Martha.

One Piece is awesome but I feel like Netflix is trying to turn it into an MCU-style cross-medium franchise, when it isn’t really built for that. One Piece is a single story told by a single author. Adaptations can tweak details, but you can’t really deviate from that story, or branch off and do spinoffs or

It’s Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends but more obnoxious.

Maybe the reason it’s predictable is because it’s completely true.

Really, why didn’t they just film the whole thing at once? Crazy to think that a relatively small studio like New Line was willing to take a chance and do this for Lord of the Rings, but 14 years later, the biggest entertainment company in the history of the world wasn’t willing to do this for what was arguably the

I don’t think it’s what most of the audience signed up for, either. And Episode 9's “Ladies, your local angry fascist is actually a nice guy deep down, you should kiss him” ending has already aged incredibly badly.

What’s crazy is that they HAD a plan for the third movie, and then they decided to junk the entire thing and rewrite everything because of some mean tweets.

If you put that image up on Twitter you’ll get at least 100 people who think it’s a real book and unironically want to buy it.

What I mean is, it’s a time travel show. Yes, Gutwa can hop in his time machine and visit Tennant in 2023 London anytime he wants, but he could also go to 1963 Coal Hill and visit Hartnell, or to Amy and Rory’s place in 2011 and visit Matt Smith. “Anywhere in time and space” means the past Doctors can always, in

Every time a pop culture writer brings up the Fraiser reboot, they always drop in that factoid about how it could have been about the brothers running a theater. Which always seemed less like an actual premise to me and more like the result of some Paramount exec who saw The Innkeepers and thought “what if this was

It really is lovely how he basically came back and made all his sad endings into happy endings. It feels earned.

as compared to other Doctors coming back post-regeneration where you’re just kinda supposed to look the other way and ignore that they’re older than when they died

I mean, yes, there is now another Tennant Doctor floating around somewhere in time and space...but isn’t that true of every Doctor?