
It’s actually funny how RTD was the one who started this whole trend, by having Nine be introduced as someone who was dealing with grief over the Time War, and then have him continue to process that when he turned into Ten. And now 18 years later, RTD is back to say “okay, you know what, let’s start from zero, but

I guess, but that would have been a lot less fun than what we got, and considering the big jump in ratings the show got from these specials, having Tennent come in was probably beneficial to the show’s overall longevity.

And yeah, if you see Dr. Who as this single long story that need to be internally consistent at all times - yeah, you’ll hate this

Bonk was really positioned as the equal to Mario and Sonic back in the day. Turned out that was mostly just marketing. Truth is, Bonk was just kind of a generic platformer with some above average sprite work for its main character and bosses, which made it look good in ads.

Just picked up Tucker Carlson’s latest, “The Bill of Rights Is For Gay Losers.”

You can tell Lily wasn’t real because her actions were extremely reasonable and normal by the standards of Reylo shippers.

Seriously, more than one?

Pretty much. This is more like if Peter decided to finally hang up his webshooters and quit crimefighting, while Miles continued doing his thing. Maybe Peter suits up again occasionally if there’s a really huge emergency, but otherwise he stays at home with MJ and that baby that Marvel keeps refusing to let them have.

Yeah, no, he is the 15th, and the episode made that clear.

There have always been multiple Doctors, though. It’s a time travel show. Past Doctors are always out there in the past, and the current Doctor can and has run into them from time to time. This is really no different from that. Yeah, the 14th Doctor is alive and well in 2023, but the 1st Doctor is also alive and well

They’re all the same being, in the sense that it’s the same individual with the same consciousness and memories across each incarnation. But their personality, opinions, and tastes can change quite a bit between regenerations. In episodes where different Doctors meet each other, they usually end up arguing for this

Totoro has the guts to be a movie without a villain or even any major conflicts. It’s just about vibing with nature, in the form of a big fuzzy pal.

If you want to make something similar to Miyazaki then why would you make it live action?

And after the complete misses that were Love & Thunder, Eternals, Secret Invasion, Moon Knight (my god I tried my best to pretend I enjoyed that), She-Hulk (when are we going to admit that that shit just was not funny, like, at all?)

The problem is that people are more inclined to see Marvel as one big series now, rather than a collection of franchises that sometimes bump into each other. And Ant Man 3 was bad. Secret Invasion was arguably the worst MCU production ever. So I think that killed a lot of people’s enthusiasm for The Marvels.

Iger’s an idiot if he thinks “messages” are the reason Disney is floundering. What “message” was there in Ant Man 3 or Wish or Haunted Mansion? Not a damn thing, other than “look at our brand! Give it money!”

One of the most-watched programs in the history of streaming. ALL streaming services, not just Disney Plus. It was very successful, but not in a traditional sense.

It was hugely successful on streaming, though. So much so that if all the folks who saw it on Disney+ in its first month had bought a theater ticket instead, it would have done better numbers than Frozen. But, well, pandemic.

The problem with LeFou wasn’t the scene itself, it’s that Disney’s marketing team decided to market him as “DISNEY’S FIRST GAY CHARACTER!” based on a background bit at the very end of the movie. That created unfair expectations for both sides.

The problem in your example isn’t the message, it’s just bad writing in general. If the script is bad, if it lacks story structure or coherence, it will be bad with or without the message. Ant Man 3, arguably the worst MCU movie ever, had no message other than “go see the next Marvel movie.” Meanwhile the Black