
Danny emitted something alright.

Sexual Assault Defender has logged on.

Yes, however could I have reached the conclusion that Rowling is a miserable transphobe with a huge victim complex, simply because she constantly acts like a miserable transphobe with a huge victim complex?

In most cases, yeah. In Rowling’s case, though, there’s nothing left to respond to EXCEPT transphobia. She’s made it into her entire personality. This year we saw a new Harry Potter video game, a new novel by Rowling, and the announcement of a Harry Potter reboot series, and Rowling has barely mentioned any of those

10 years ago, nothing she said would be considered controversial.

Seethe more. Your autism is showing.

Come on, we both know she’d immensely enjoy the sense of victimhood she’d get from being locked up...and then after three minutes she’d call her expensive lawyers to get her sprung and she’d never suffer any legal consequence again. Laws are for common people, not billionaire elites like J.K.

Can’t believe you didn’t include the Venture Brothers in this one. Plenty of shows take big swings at the end of season one but only Venture had the guts to actually kill off its title characters, then spend the season two opener on the surprise reveal that the boys had been clones all along, that the original Hank


All the fictional characters agree that it’s cool and not a big deal.

Nintendo does a lot of crappy things but one thing I appreciate about them is that they’re extremely careful to safeguard the image of their characters and franchises. “We fired Mario’s beloved voice actor and replaced him with a soulless copy of himself in order to make Line On Money Graph go up by 0.0000001%” is the

Hey remember that Nintendo game that was stuffed full of NFT’s and crypto transactions? Yeah neither do I because Nintendo doesn’t latch on to ephemeral techbro fads.

The entire Jason Takes Manhattan fandom has spoken.

Dragon Ball IS one of Toriyama’s silly works. It never stops being that.

Bill Maher has no idealism. His only goal is to say whatever will keep his name in the news. Assigning any sort of ideology to him is giving him way too much credit.

That’s not what the word “mediocre” means. Strange that you’re so upset about it but never bothered to look up the definition.

Golly, a rape joke that was stale 20 years ago? Sounds exactly like the sort of groundbreaking comedy I’d expect from South Park.

It’s a cartoon for angry middle schoolers, bro.

Listen, if anyone can be trusted to deliver a script about media pandering, it’s South Park, the ancient franchise that’s been pandering nonstop to mediocre edgy white dudebros for a quarter century.

The two best MCU shows have been She-Hulk and Wandavision, and I think the reason they worked is because they embraced TV as a medium. Too many of the other shows just felt like 3 hour movies cut into chunks, which made them feel inconsequential: “Hey look, we made a movie, except we decided it didn’t matter enough to