
I’m sure they’ll do a better job than the 73 other companies that have bought WB in the last few years.

Yeah, if anything, joke density has increased since Fraiser’s time, especially since you no longer need to pause for the laugh after each gag. A page equals roughly one minute onscreen. How many jokes could, for instance, 30 Rock or Parks and Rec pack into a minute?

Cheers and Fraiser are two of the handful of old laugh track sitcoms that do hold up, I think mostly because they had a strong focus on endearingly flawed characters, which is ironically something the newer breed of single-cam comedies tends to emphasize. Burrows may not like the newer shows but they definitely took

Sure, but they are all shows in the style that Burrows is talking about: single-camera comedies without laugh tracks which lack the stagey feel of traditional sitcoms.

I find it hard to believe that a company that existed to produce creative works does not employ one human being who can write a simple letter.

You say that as if they didn’t make three terrible movies to try and answer that question.

Honestly the only X-movies I’ve enjoyed since the original were First Class and Logan, but I see where you’re coming from. They really did go in a bit too hard on J-Law.

Tom Hanks doesn’t deserve this. He works really hard. You think it’s easy to just stop whatever you’re doing and go limp whenever Andy walks in the room?


He wants to be President in 2028, and seems to think the way to do that is to be a chickenshit centrist so he can “appeal to middle America” and “not be too far left.” Dumbass is using a playbook from 20 years ago. He’s got time to right the ship, but I don’t have much confidence he will.

Fun fact, the whole reason mutants exist is because Stan Lee got tired of writing origin stories and went “what if they were just BORN with powers?” In the first issue of X-Men the team has already been formed for months, and we’re introduced to each member and their powers via a training session before they go on a

Probably because the last few X-Men movies have been terrible and they wanted to rest the brand for a while to build anticipation. That’s smart, especially because the X-Men are the last big Marvel franchise left that hasn’t had an MCU movie announced. After that, there’s only b-listers left. But the X-Men have SO

Disney execs in May: Who cares if the writers are on strike? We don’t need writers!

What parties are you going to where the main topic of conversation is the popularity of lawyer shows VS pirate shows.

Well, you can’t cancel Spongebob. The entire global meme economy would collapse.

I mean, One Piece was the highest rated show on the service for weeks and is the most-viewed Netflix original premiere ever, so I think it’s gone well past “narrow appeal” at this point.

Jaxxon is no longer canon since Disney took over, but that’s okay because Marvel published this cover about it:

“Box office achievement” is the most suspense-free category someone could possibly come up with. Anyone can just google “what movie made the most money this year” to know who should get it. If any other movie gets it then they did it wrong. This is like the only award ever where there’s an objectively correct winner.

Whether intentional or not, one cool thing about this chance is that Kamala now has meaningful connections to almost every major corner of the Marvel Universe.

When Lockjaw joined the Pet Avengers that was an upgrade.