
To be fair, some of those decisions were made BECAUSE Fox was a separate company and Marvel’s leadership at the time wanted to push the Inhumans as X-Men replacements because Fox held the X-Men movie rights. The whole reason Kamala’s origin originally involved the Inhumans was to bolster branding, just with different

[remember to look up whatever the dumbass plot of Th4 Ex4endables is and insert a reference to it here].

Stallone’s career is littered with flops, but he always bounces back. Which honestly is something I can respect.

The movies are just extra stories which never impact the main plot. Most of them aren’t even considered canon.

One of my favorite bits of pop culture ephemera is the VHS box for Over The Top. First, look at that cover art. They seem desperate to NOT communicate that this movie is about arm wrestling.

Celebrating 50 years of Trek animation by cancelling one of of our three animated shows, removing it from streaming, and replacing it with Booger Cartoon.

Lower Decks wouldn’t have done it at all. This short just felt lazy.

Scott’s laser vagina is among his deadliest powers.

If it wasn’t for those “little clubs,” none of the hundreds of other people you’re supposedly concerned about would have living wages, benefits, or safety regulations.

Yeah, but the whole mirror universe thing does make the line unintentionally funny in retrospect.

Yep, but it’s a miniseries which will be ending around the time this comic comes out.

Mostly, although strangely enough the X-Men’s Krakoa era has progressed in real time, with the Hellfire Gala being a yearly event in both publishing time and in the Marvel Universe, and the first Gala being held on Krakoa’s first anniversary. So Krakoa has lasted over four years in both the comics and real life.

War Crimes Hank

Jean Grey has canonically died sixteen times, not even the other X-Men think it’s gonna stick at this point.

They greenlit THREE seasons? That’s about how long it took for Rick and Morty to run out of ideas.

And he sits down in a chair like nobody’s business.

Chapel and M’Benga were such minor characters in TOS that they barely had personalities to start with. M’Benga only appears in two episodes, and while Chapel is in many more, she’s usually given little to do beside silently assist McCoy. Giving them actual stories in SNW doesn’t really bother me, it feels like it

If you’re such a basketcase that just seeing the words “he/him” for 5 seconds is going to render you incapable of enjoying an 80 hour game, then you don’t need a mod, you need a therapist.

Probably because blue lives don’t fucking exist. Being a cop is a job, not an inborn identity. It’s ridiculous to compare a job which you can quit at any time with something like being Black. It’s not a sincere symbol or movement, it just exists to mock and diminish BLM.

She seems more upset about the fictional rape than the real one.