
I mean, for the time being they still own the biggest box office hit of the summer, which is a comic book movie sequel.

And the idea that Jason Aldean is smart enough to put hidden historic symbolism in his videos

I don’t have California’s legal code in front of me, but the generally accepted definition of strike busting is any tactic used by management or its allies with the purpose of disrupting or removing the union’s ability to strike or assemble.

Okay, but that just damages the “go woke go broke” narrative even further. How can progressive themes be box office poison if most people seeing the film don’t even know or care if the movie is “woke” or not?

This isn’t a ticket giveaway. This is a movie encouraging people to buy more tickets for a movie they’ve already seen, to either give to family members or to “send a message.”

And his most recent movie is currently underperforming in theaters so maybe he’s not the movie messiah people say he is and we can take a break from the endless thinkpieces about him?

Superior Spidey was great. I loved how he used traditional villain methods to do heroic stuff, I loved how over-the-top seriously he took himself, and I loved how he left all the other heroes going “What the hell is wrong with Peter lately?”

Be-urrrrp, behold, Morty! The ultimate pog!

Pet Rocks, I Can Has Cheezeburger, and Where’s the Beef all have Wikipedia articles.

That’s not selfish, it’s a beautiful dream which will benefit all mankind.

Same with Alpha 3, which has at least three distinct versions (the arcade, the home console port which adds a bunch of new characters and stages, and Alpha 3 Max, which adds even more and rebalances everyone.)

FFS, it’s about child trafficking, something I think we maybe all could get behind as a good reason to at least support the message.

Sure, Jan.

How does going to see a movie protect children?

When rightists look at a news article and somehow think it’s a movie review, you know red state education standards are as low as ever.

People already knew child trafficking existed. People already think it’s bad. This movie doesn’t expose anything. It just dramatizes a horrible social problem and makes money from it.

They haven’t shut down Cartoon Network Studios. They just moved the operation into a new building.

CN has always used foreign studios for inbetween work. Involving Chinese or Korean studios is not going to work as a threat to the union given that they’ve already been working with them for over 20 years.

Fair enough, but I never said I was giving them my money.