
I don’t think it’s “intentionally diminished” since that’s not much of a business strategy.

thousands stole access to their service

Perhaps they did, but the CW DC shows are objectively much more successful than the movies are, and it’s funny to me that everyone in charge at WB seems to look down on them.

I doubt the movie’s quality had anything to do with the decision to shelve it. These people released Suicide Squad and Justice League.

Password sharing has been a thing since Netflix instant first began, yet Netflix’s revenue went up every year for a decade, even though password-sharing steadily increased right alongside it.

The real reason they’re in crisis is a combination of the Hollywood strike, and the $14 billion of debt they’ve voluntarily

“Uhhhhh company is popular that means company is good and always right” Come on, buddy, make an effort next time.

They have always done that. Now they’re making customers pay more to have access to less content, and also even more if you don’t want to look at commercials, and also even more if you have friends or family members who don’t live in the same house as you, and also if you ever travel, fuck you, you can’t access the

Netflix used to cost less, be easier to access, and be friendly toward customers who travel.

DeSantis is actually a Pokemon named Woke. No one wants to be his trainer.

But first they have to finish pulling their operation out of Florida.

Yeah, I’m sure that the guy who spent nine years of his life making Batman movies just hates big franchises.

When was Titanic slow paced, at one point an entire man falls off a boat and bonks his head on the giant propeller on the way down.

It’s not misleading because plenty of people have already bought tickets to both films, and those ticket numbers are public. Just because they haven’t gone to see the movie yet doesn’t change the fact that those seats have been paid for.

I too am offended that AV Club does not have access to a time machine.

A few days? This movie’s been in development for 11 years! Don’t blame the unions when it took you guys more than a decade to figure out how to film some dancing witches.

If this movie showed Barbie taking a shit in a cardboard box, incels like you would be a lot more excited to see it.

You don’t have evidence. You have a bunch of aging millionaire celebrities who are mad that their careers have fizzled out and think it’s the product of a conspiracy.

If it weren’t for the strike he’d be doing interviews for the new Ninja Turtles movie right now. He plays their long-lost biological father, Giuseppe Carlito Fettuccine.

“My latest, and last, film.”

This is how the Emmys have always worked, which is why I mostly ignore them. They latch on to one or two pet shows, and then those shows get all the awards for their lifespans, and no one else stands a chance until the pet show ends, at which point the Emmys select a new pet show.