
Turning Red had a unique art and writing style compared to the rest of Pixar and Disney rewarded its innovation by pulling it from theaters and dumping it on a streaming service.

Child sex trafficking is a real problem that exists, and all this movie does is profit from that. No victims are being compensated for having their suffering repackaged as action movie fodder. The profits aren’t being donated to victims or support organizations, they’re going straight into the studio’s pockets.

Yeah, the movie was great until they forgot what genre it was halfway through and turned it into a movie about two CGI dragons bumping into each other.

The article was “Gundam shows that are similar to G-Witch” not “Here are the best Gundam shows.”

Here’s a quote from Kotaku’s review of FF16.

Okay, then if it’s a fantasy world, why NOT include people of color? They can make the world anything they want to, and they chose to make it homogeneous and boring.

and she’s not only magically cured but also gets to live the rest of her life in peace with her digitized dead daughter.

Top Gun was also easier to prepare new viewers for, because there’s only one other movie. Meanwhile, if you want to catch up on Indy, you need to sit through four movies. No matter how great some of those films are, that’s a much bigger commitment.

“My name’s Ruby Gillman. I thought I was just an ordinary teenager. But that all changed when SOROS-BACKED COMMUNISTS STOLE THE ELECTION!”

I’m sure those 18th century peasants who beheaded the king just did it because of video games.

The trailer did a fantastic job of making me completely uninterested in the movie. It pretty much just summarizes the entire plot, while also making said plot seems amazingly generic.

I’m going to say it’s probably the latter. The first trailer for this movie basically summarizes the movie’s entire plot.

I kinda wish the movie was just about the Mean Girl Mermaid, sassing her way through life. She seems way more interesting than the lead character with her incredibly boring “I just wanna be a normal teen! OH NO THE PROM’S THIS WEEKEND!” storyline.

There are over a dozen towns called Springfield in the US but the one where The Simpsons live is still considered fictional because it’s obviously not meant to be any of those places. Same principle applies here.

Sure, Frank, you say that now. But we have incriminating footage of you charging a troll toll, to get into a boy’s hole.

It’s illegal for them to film in Florida because when the Rangers stand next to each other it looks vaguely like a rainbow.

I feel like that’s half the joke. If you have no context for who Grimace is, then being handed a beverage called the “grimace shake” sounds downright threatening.

Civilian: Superman! HELP!

Brosnahan has been fired after DC discovered that she used to star in a TV show with the word “Marvelous” in the title.

Superman should be at #2. Nothing’s going to be as iconic as Star Wars, but Williams’ theme for Superman is the theme music for an entire GENRE. Every superhero film or TV soundtrack that actually makes an effort (so most of the MCU is disqualified here) owes a debt to Williams’ Superman score. All of them sound at