
Now we’ll never know if they defeated their archenemies, Horse Goose Enchilada Vibrator.

Except in this particular case the bakery has thrown out a perfectly good loaf of bread, so the options are either take it and eat it, or let it go to waste. You cannot buy the bread because the bakery refuses to sell it. So taking the bread is the most moral option; at least that way you’re not wasting the result of

I would watch the CRAP out of a Ray Harryhausen John Carter movie, though. They really missed their window.

Actually no, you’re totally right, the Arrowverse handled the shared universe thing really well, certainly better than DC did in theaters. It’s a shame that DC seems to overlook that franchise since it probably did more to elevate their characters than most of the films did.

Well, the next one is Blue Beetle, but after that is Aquaman 2, which does feature the Snyderverse version of Aquaman, so that’s actually the last one of these.

If the Dark Universe had taken off, it would have taken roughly a week for Universal to realize they had royally fucked up by building their franchise around characters who are all in the public domain.

It’s been fifteen years since Nick Fury showed up at Tony’s house and Marvel is still the only franchise that has pulled off the shared universe thing successfully. I really don’t think the market can sustain more than one of these things, let alone the half-dozen or so we seem to keep getting.

Plus, the MCU film right before Ant Man (Black Panther 2) and right after (Guardians 3) were both major hits, so the takeaway here isn’t “The MCU is dying” it’s “The Ant Man series has run its course.”

Both his Suicide Squad movies at WBD were losers

Wow, that “it bothers me not” declaration of yours sure didn’t last long.

Hopefully she at least knows about Tekwar.

In the early 90's Ed Harris starred in a romantic comedy called Milk Money, about three 11 year olds who hire a prostitute because they’re curious about what a naked woman looks like. After she shows them the goods, they end up taking her (clothed) to their school’s show and tell, where wacky double entendres ensue.

Regardless of the competition, what Spiderverse accomplished here is pretty impressive: it’s very rare for a movie to reclaim the #1 spot after losing it, let along during the crowded summer season, and especially not after nearly a month of release.

Also, they released it two weeks after Across the Spider-Verse, the sequel to the film that kicked off the whole multiverse trend in the first place.

I don’t doubt it. Hell, the simple fact that the movie is a Batman spinoff would have probably done half the work for them. I mean, look how desperate DC’s marketing was to tie The Flash movie to Batman. He’s DC’s biggest franchise, and pretty much the only major DC hero who hasn’t absorbed a flop at this point

Meanwhile, in Argentina:

Interestingly, the only one of the cancelled shows to have WGA coverage is Grease. Paramount isn’t even saving that much money by destroying these works.

The Producers was originally a comedy, then they just turned it into a tax law.

Jeff Simpson is one of the artists who worked on the show. Given his tweet from yesterday, it looks like artists were not told that AI would be used.