
Okay, out of the modern titles I’ve only played MKX, so maybe 11 fixes this, but: I mean, plotwise, a reboot seemed inevitable because they sorta wrote themselves into a corner in X, where a big time jump ages all the characters so now the main cast are all in their 50's. You can’t move the timeline forward too much

Yeah, but the game is free to play now, which means its survival relies on hardcore fans who are willing to invest in the game. And hardcore fans care about lore.

The promised AI game revolution has arrived!

It’s still hand-drawn, but now it’s digitally inked and colored, which does change the look quite a bit (this isn’t unique to The Simpsons; no cartoon produced in North America has been colored by hand for over a decade.)

The show is usually great on a purely technical level so this is probably a Twitter issue. Either that or the episode’s final audio mix still isn’t finished.

Yeah, everyone hates the Micheal Jackson episode.

Presumably this will be his first spirit guide who doesn’t turn out to be a chili-based hallucination.

Were you always his boring or did you set “be boring” as a life goal for yourself.

Now playing

So now that the company is facing massive international fines and is bleeding money at a spectacular rate, suddenly Elon doesn’t want his name on it anymore.

This week on a very special episode, Blossom teaches Joey about the power of unions. “Whoa!” says Joey.

Good Doctor is such a great example of what happens when you don’t make the effort to diversify a writers’ room. You end up with a show that’s a global laughingstock because its main character is an a Magical Autism stereotype being written by a group of people who’ve obviously never been in the same building as an

I unironically am glad as well, as it’s interesting to deep dive into what makes memes happen. Tacky or not, they’re a reflection of our culture, and talking about them is certainly more interesting than a generic hot take from some guy who can’t even spell the word “article.”

For my money, Wind Waker’s final battle is Zelda’s GOAT boss fight, but I’m surprised no one put Calamity Ganon here. He really feels like a walking disaster in that final confrontation, walking across the land you’ve been exploring and bringing ruin with every step. The game sets up Ganon not just as a villain but

Most people in 1989 didn’t think of Batman as a comic book character, they thought of him as a TV character from the 60's.

Next week: a 587,341-part list titled, “Every Non-Marvel Film, Ranked From Worst to Best.”

Majors handing his lawyer a bag of cash ironically labeled “Loki money (more where this came from.)“

No, but they probably give a fuck about the inconvenience of their actor being stuck in court and then possibly prison for the foreseeable future.

I see zero problems with this. The fun thing about Kang is that you can invent a reason for him to be basically anybody, and it can still make sense.

They cancel each other out! Which can only mean...OJ is guilty!