
For me that phrase was ruined a few years ago when some right wing cartoonist drew a political cartoon of a bunch of witches hunting for Donald Trump, because that’s he honestly thought a “witch hunt” was.

You’re right, my bad. He didn’t cure them, he just paid for 100% of their treatment. This monster must be stopped.

Wow, you sound really mad that some blind people can see and some other people have homes now.

That’s fine. The writers won the last strike with Bush in the White House. So long as Biden doesn’t get in their way, I’m confident they can handle it without his help.

That’s fine. The writers won the last strike with Bush in the White House. So long as Biden doesn’t get in their way, I’m confident they can handle it without his help.

I’m sorry but this is such a funny take. “Biden ran a terrible campaign, that’s why he defeated a sitting President.” Dude, come on.

Remember the time this guy literally cured some blind people and a bunch of fucks on Twitter wanted him guillotined for it.

He bought five houses. There are 87,000 people in Greenville.

Still a better boss and less evil person than Mr. Burns.

Coming soon! Stranger Things 5: Teenage Menopause.

Now I’m imagining a much better show where a cop chases guys around with a fly swatter.

A showrunner doesn’t just write the show, they essentially direct the entire production, set the schedule, have the final say on casting, work out the budget, and deal with any random problems that may arise. They are almost always writers but they are never JUST writers.

They’re companies and their goal is to make money

You hear that, Hollywood? Every minute you delay is a minute the Stranger Things kids get older and older. At this rate they’re going to look so old by the time filming starts that you’ll have to set the final season in 2024. Give the writers what they want or no more 80's references on your monster show.

I’m glad it is an issue. Doing this helps writers on other shows, too.

Funny you should mention it: the Directors’ Guild contracts all expire on June 30th, and they’ve expressed solidarity with the Writers. And the Screen Actors Guild contracts expire on THE SAME DAY.

A TV show where cops solve crimes? Groundbreaking, how will our culture survive without it.

This is why I’ve pretty much sworn off movie trailers, (aside from early teasers.) They make every movie look the same and they give away far too much of the film. It’s crazy that there are still so many trailers that basically summarize the entire movie up to the start of the climax.

Okay, but One Piece is not just an anime, it’s also a manga (and the manga is what Oda personally puts by far the most work into) and that manga is objectively several times more popular than House of the Dragon or anything else in the Game of Thrones franchise. One Piece to date has sold 516 million volumes, which