
Someday you’ll have to pay the rent on your own and then you’ll understand why people don’t like being condescended to by lazy billionaires.

Feel free to show us an example of a writer paying the rent with love, then.

If Zazlav loves working so much, then how come he refuses to do it for less than $39 million a year, despite the massive amount of debt his company is buried under? Doesn’t seem to be very much “love” there.

Luckily none of them can afford internet access anymore.

Will I still be able to enjoy Johnny Cage in a medium where I can’t rip his brain out of his head? This is the challenge of the filmmaker.

Then wait until the movie comes out on streaming or something. But 2 hours has been a pretty average movie runtime for decades now, so claiming this is a Marvel problem is just silly.

“This is the last chance I have to bring One Piece to the entire world.”

Um, if that were the case, each of those movies would be 45 minutes long.

Across the Spider-Verse is not an MCU movie, but if it was, this would be a perfectly average runtime.

Your entire day consists of two hours? Do you have a sleep disorder or something?

That makes it one of the SHORTEST superhero movies in years.

So basically, the best way to end the season 2 Netflix curse is to support the WGA strikers.

Where were you people when Dead End Paranormal Park needed you?

I was surprised to not see any of these on here, most of which are much better.

You’ve yet to give us a single reason why you think this hot take was so bad, which is impressive given that you’ve been rambling about it for multiple paragraphs now.

I think she meant “we” as in the general public, not the readers of this niche website.

Camera work informs every single frame of the movie you see. It’s a critical part of whether or not you enjoy a film, even if you don’t notice it. That’s like saying competent programming in a video game, or using correct grammar in a novel are “technical geekery” that don’t matter. And it has a ton of bearing on

The fact that so many Marvel fanboys so strongly hate Eternals is a great example of why Marvel keeps making safe, interchangably boring movies that stick to a formula. Because when they do take risks and try something different, the fans get all pissy that they aren’t getting the same old, same old.

Chrome is just as intrusive, bloated, and corporate-run as Edge. It’s just more popular so it doesn’t have to advertise as much. Both browsers just exist to harvest data about you.

Discord serves are fine for what they are, but I really prefer the pace of forms. I tend to just never post to Discord servers I join because they either move so slow that they bore me, or they move so fast that I feel like I can’t keep up. With a forum, I feel like I can go more at my own pace.