
If you want good Storm stories, you should read X-Men Red, the current series where Storm is a main character. It examines the difficulties she faces balancing her many different roles: superhero, goddess, inspirational symbol, and now, ruler of Arakko (oh yeah, mutants terraformed Mars and renamed it Arakko. Its

One thing that really sets Prospera apart from other Char clones, at least so far, is that she’s not a mobile suit pilot, at least not in the conventional sense. Usually Char Clones are incredibly gifted pilots, totally outclassing most opponents and earning a reputation as the best around. G-Witch has a character

Dude, do you not recall the massive number of fan theories over the Zelda timeline, theories people argued over for DECADES before Nintendo finally released the official one?

The “Live Slug Reaction” box is actually a parody of Fox News as well as Star Wars. Fox used to do this laughably dumb thing where whenever they carried a live speech by President Biden or some other Democrat, they’d have a corner box with Tucker Carlson in it labeled “Live Tucker Reaction.” He usually wouldn’t say

Huh. That’s funny, the vibe I picked up was that people thought it was fine, but kinda the same as the first one. Which is also how I felt, so perhaps I’m just biased.

Strange can see into every universe, so he saw into our universe, where he would not get his own sequel unless Avengers Endgame made a ton of money. He then acted accordingly.

People really understate this, but the right wing smear campaign against Gunn has got to be one of the biggest fuckups in the history of the already momentously stupid “culture wars.”

That doesn’t really matter in this context, though. Every MCU character is a different character from the comics version. That doesn’t mean you can write the individual character inconsistently.

There was nothing notable about it. It worked perfectly well for what it was: a granddad joke delivered by a grandad. On that level it almost came off as endearing.

Shrek showed us that there are good ways to crib from Disney. Shark Tale showed us that there are very bad ways to crib from Disney.

And then they can make a prequel and we’ll finally have a Bomberman movie. It’s all coming together!

This episode was perfectly average. The reason people single it out is just silly.

There have been some terrific episodes since then but no one is going to pretend that the ratio of good to bad isn’t much worse than it was in the classic years.

Disney is using legal loopholes to circumbent the will of the elected representatives of the people.

“Every time we cancel a game, we make The Last of Us 1 again. That should give you an idea of how many games we cancel. Our goal is to eventually cancel every game except that one. Just release The Last of Us 1 about 10 times a year, and nothing else. A patch is coming to PS5 today that will render all other games

Ash Williams (he’s not in this one)

Fanfic itself is not. But original characters or elements you create for the fanfic can be copyrighted, but only the parts which are separate from the original work.

The answer to the question of “should we ban Nazis?” is always yes. Glad I could help.

Out of those three groups, who do you think the average American is most likely to get shot by?