
Okay, but in this case it is 100% certain that money is going to a terrible, hateful person, and not just a little money but a pretty significant chunk of the whole.

I wasted 73 hours of my life waiting to find out who would end up on the Iron Throne and it turned out to be fucking Bran. Sxp151 dodged that bullet like Neo from The Matrix. A visionary.

All Harry Potter media is free (because I say so) and that’s still too expensive.

Lovecraft has been dead for 80 years, the problem with endlessly milking the Potter franchise is that it gives money to a hatemonger who openly and actively funnels it into harming a minority group.

Every time Baby Yoda shows up in his mech, a random soldier should scream “IT’S A GUNDAAAAAM!” and then die.

Seasons 1 and 2 ended with unresolved plot hooks so I don’t see why this would be any different.

Um, excuse me, they gave him a mech. A mech with a “Yes” button. If you’re not into that then I don’t know what to tell you. Other than “it’s baby yoda in a mech with a yes button, when did you stop liking fun.”

You’re right, Paul Hogan, that IS a pie. I’ve never heard of this thing but I want one now.

Honestly this depends on how long they expect the show to continue.

Yeah, I thought this episode explained the beskar mystery pretty handily. And as others have pointed out, there’s no rule that says only Mandalorians can have this very useful metal so it’s silly for the characters to have assumed the culprit was Mandalorian to begin with.

Better by the measure that this season has better characterization and direction than last season.

After last week’s cameo side-quest episode angered fans

Pleased to see I wasn’t the only one who saw Paz’s death and thought of Skurge.

You get +5 against armored guys when you’re two minutes or less away from dying.

Instead she’ll get a new cast who hate her views from the get-go and are just in it for a paycheck.

I mean, the whole reason they’re going back to the original story is because Fantastic Beasts lost a ton of money.

And WB’s stock dropped 6% today upon the announcement.

The answer to your question is “nobody knows.” Because absolutely no artistic or creative considerations were involved in this decision.

It’s silly how this article goes with the premise “there are Marvel characters left to cast” then kind of casually brushes off the fact that they haven’t cast a single member of the X-Men, a franchise which by itself would nearly double the number of characters Marvel Studios has available to it. (The Fantastic Four

The article makes that point but then instantly dismisses it, which is dumb. There are hundreds of X-Men characters.