
Sadly the original musical version of Richard III is lost to history. 46 songs, all of them about what a fucking asshole Richard is.

Sandman for the Marvel universe.”

Prison Guard: On your feet, Zazlav! It’s prison movie night!

Why does the next Battlestar even need to be a remake? Didn’t the ending of the previous show tell us that this whole thing where the robots rise up and humans are forced to leave their planet, was all a cycle which our heroes failed to break? Seems like the justification for a sequel is built into the story.

Canadian Pie: Jim considers fucking the pie but decides not to because that would be rude, eh.

- Remakes, adaptations, sequels, and any other form of rewritting of a previous story is soulless, i.e. of lesser artistic merit.

Problem with that logic is that if remakes and sequels aren’t what appeals to you, you’re not left with a whole bunch of choices among mainstream studio fare.

Moana only came out in 2016. That’s a weird choice for a brand that needs keeping alive. By contrast, the last live-action Disney remake was of a movie released 83 years ago.

I was fine with that but I thought the nude cabaret scene was a bit excessive.

Children deserve good movies, too.

watching those monkeys fall into an abyss over and over again

This is going to sound like blasphemy, but I actually think Metroid Other M had a decent idea of how to handle Samus being solitary but still giving her a supporting cast. The execution of it was dreadful, especially the part where she began taking orders for no reason, but the idea was solid: she’s on a solo mission,

Borstein is actually more permissive about it than many, since she will watch her performance once she’s done playing the character. A lot of actors never watch themselves at all if they can help it.

A movie? About James Bond? Ridiculous.

They finally went too far when they cast Chris Pratt as Pac-Man.

Mickey Rourke wins 17 oscars for his portrayal of a boxer who bravely overcomes alcoholism while fleeing Soviet oppression.

I dunno, I’d say Breath of the Wild (the first Zelda game with proper voiced cutscenes) had enough plot for a movie, especially if you add in the backstory about the Calamity War.

Samus has been speaking since Super Metroid (the game’s intro was narrated in the first person) so I don’t think Nintendo would make her silent.

Absolutely no surprise that this movie’s Harley looks like a miserable, strung-out mess. Unlike Joker, Harley was conceived as a more upbeat and comedic character (with an undercurrent of tragedy, sure, but it’s not her main vibe) but no joy is allowed in Todd Phillips’ bleak worldview.

Of course it matters what he was in the past. These movies only exist because the Joker has been a popular character for decades, and he’s only been popular because past portrayals of him were so successful.