
I’m just glad that we’re mostly past the era where people made their Hogwarts House part of their personalities and went around asking people what house they were.

I’m not sure if the creators of the movie are aware that it’s for children given that the first thing it expects us to do is recognize a 20 year old Tarentino reference.

The Mario franchise has 40 years worth of original music to choose from, but why make the effort to fit the setting when you can just hit random play on some studio executive’s Spotify.

Because it’s a Mario movie supposedly aimed at kids (or at least “but it’s for kids!” is the excuse people are giving for its weak reviews) and referencing a notoriously violent, R-rated Tarentino movie released before any present-day child was even born seems incredibly out of place for this franchise.

Except it wasn’t a good game, it was a mediocre Destiny clone, and even the positive reviews admitted that the only thing it had going for it was the license. It’s just that for some people, this was enough.

And it took over a decade for EEAAO to get made, and it only happened because many of the people involved took pay cuts to accommodate the small budget, the movie got minimal promotion and basically only succeeded via word of mouth.

The kids can watch the original movies right now, why should they be subjected to a cynical remake.

The books ballooned in size but not in content. Order of the Phoenix is nearly 800 pages long and has about 50 pages of actual story. Half-Blood Prince is even worse; Snape kills Dumbledore, but that takes up one chapter and the rest of a boring slog leading up to that moment (even the titular mystery is pointless: it

Or they could use all those resources to tell a new story rather than “let’s regurgitate some movies from 20 years ago, but now with new details that nine people worldwide will care about.”

The game also had a new story (a terrible story, but still a new one.)

They think “just smile and nod while she babbles endlessly about trans people, before long she’ll keel over from racism poisoning and then I get five hundred million bucks and a castle.”

Except maybe for the final book, none of these novels are deep enough to sustain a 10 hour television season. Strap in for a whole bunch of filler material, punctuated by recreations of scenes that were already done better in the movies.

detract from the world that these people have spent years of their life building.

With One Piece it feels more like he’s focusing on bad people until he has enough power to take on the bad system. Luffy declared war on the World Government all the way back in Eines Lobby, and since then it’s been a theme that they’ll keep coming for his head until either Luffy is dead or the government no longer

I don’t think he said Luffy was a socialist BECAUSE he’s a terrorist. He can be two things.

Do you honestly think “freedom” isn’t a political concept? Come on, man.

Elon showing how utterly powerless he’s become by taking away something the Times already said they don’t value, which every other publication is about to lose anyway since none of them want to pay for it either.

“Batman’s a fascist!”

It wasn’t a bad trailer. The problem is it was a trailer for a Batman movie.

Yeah, guys, Mario might be one of the most successful media franchises in the history of the world, but that doesn’t mean anyone CARES about it. We’ve all just been buying Mario stuff by accident for the last 40 years. The other day I went to get my tires changed and I accidentally purchased Super Mario 3D World