
Welcome to the UK, guv’nah! Where we all agree that slavery* is evil, wrong, illegal, and worst of all, improper.

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This reminds me of possibly my favorite Youtube video of all time, featuring the guy who built a Minecraft device that cannot fulfill its task until after the end of the actual universe.

Oh no, won’t somebody PLEASE think of the feelings of the $900 million company that lied to gamers for years and tricked them into spending $60 on an unfinished beta.

I’m happy there are still publications that aren’t willing to suck up to big publishers and will actually call them on their bullshit. You want a website that will mindlessly simp for any exploitative company that throws a couple of advertising bucks their way, you’ve got plenty of options.

Neiji Hyuga would object to your “nobody dies” criticism, but he can’t cause he died.

This is not even close to the end. Remember, Naruto was also split into “Part 1" and “Part 2,” with Part 2 being more than twice as long as Part 1.

Almost as though you’re including certain films because you dislike them thematically, and not due to their cinematic quality.

One consistent lesson of the Oscars is that if you make a movie that honestly critiques Hollywood, you’ll lose. If you make a movie-mythologizing nostalgia blob about “tHe mAgIc oF tHe cInEma,” voters will eat that shit up no matter how shallow it is. Which is why I fully expect The Fablemans to be added to this list

Nah, that makes it suck even harder. The one time the Academy acknowledges something resembling a horror movie and the “monster” is just a trans person, stereotyped to the point of inhumanity. Horror movies deserve better than that.

I hated that movie. They never explained which one was the real Kramer, and the fistfight they have in Jerry’s apartment goes on way too long. I do like the scene where George falls out the window and no one acknowledges it, though. 

What the fuck is Chariots of Fire even about? I don’t know. Nobody knows. We all know the song but that’s where humanity’s knowledge of this film ends.

Its box office was pretty modest given all the major names attached. I think one reason Goodfellas went unrecognized in its time is simply because it didn’t get a ton of promotion or attention.

It’s an incredibly sincere movie, and that scares the shit out of a lot of people.

Okay, I guess everyone in this thread has staked out their hill to die on, so this is mine: Shape of Water deserved to win. Yes, Get Out is terrific, but it’s the weakest of Jordan Peele’s horror films (this is actually a good thing; most directors wish they could consistently top themselves with every new movie.) But

I mean, sure, among people who haven’t seen the movie but who are really into memes from 6 years ago.

I’m still waiting for the sequel, where we finally find out exactly how green his valley was.

What the fuck is a “movie.”

1994 had an absolutely stacked Best Picture lineup and then they went and gave it to the very worst one. Wish I could say that was the last time that happened.

There’s a difference between “this is not relevant” and “this is something that I am not personally interested in.” You should probably figure that difference out.

Literally every other movie was snubbed when Green Book won, including movies that weren’t nominated.