
For a moment I forgot Belfast was a movie and that made the first sentence of your post really funny.

Kevin was originally slated to return. Finding someone to take over the role will probably be a harder challenge than anything Batman faces on the show.

In a related story, Disney has announced that Frozen 3 will be released exclusively on Peacock, and the next 12 Avengers movies will only stream on Food Network Premium, also the home of over 900 different Gordon Ramsay shows.

I too am offended that the video game website is discussing a video game.

No, we are judging by 2023 standards a game that was made in 2023.

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The 21st century Golden Girls renaissance continues. They may have been old ladies way back in the 80's, but they will never truly die.

I was asleep in London when this fart happened and I’ll always regret missing it.

There’s a lot of Disney stuff missing from this list, actually. Sorry, “A Whole New World,” piss off, “Colors of the Wind.” Apparently Bruce Springsteen mumbling “mrrmrmrmrrmrrmrrstreetsofphilidelphia” with a backing track sampled from an elevator is the greatest thing recorded in the 1990's.

Seth, you made the Hot Dog Orgy Cartoon. You’re lucky every review of your work doesn’t mention that.

When you fail to take a moral stance, that in itself can be immoral, yes.

This is it, you guys. The first game in history to let you go into rooms and look at things within those rooms. Thank you Hogwarts Legacy for getting rid of stupid distractions like “story” and “gameplay” to focus on the mind-shattering thrill of going into a room, something most of us can only dream of doing in real

Listen, I USED to support the goblins. I went to all the goblin pride marches. They were beautiful excuses to get day drunk on a Saturday and watch a parade. That’s the whole point of them, right?

This is the excuse that’s made every single time a minority stands up for its rights: “Oh, if they wanted equality it would be fine, but they think they’re better than us. So we need to trample them as ruthlessly as possible.” This exact excuse has been used countless times against Jewish people throughout history,

And real cops market themselves as “criminal hunters.” Either way, by definition, law enforcement defends the status quo. Harry spends his entire youth being exposed to the horrible consequences of the corrupt, failed status quo of his world, and then decides to defend his adulthood protecting it. It’s dumb writing.

Book Snape didn’t have the amazing charisma of Alan Rickman to soften the blow of what a tool he was. 

This is dumb. It’s like saying every novel should be 450 pages long and every song should be two minutes and forty-five seconds.

Yeah, this metaphor doesn’t work because the whole reason fast food is popular is because it’s fast and cheap, not because it’s good. Whereas a volume of One Piece or Naruto costs exactly as much as a volume of whatever your favorite manga is, and (so long as it’s in print) it’s just as easy to find. So those series

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You’re right, it is a reference you don’t get.

I’m sure you’re right but there are zero other notable TV shows set in Alaska. The moral is that Alaska should have thought of this and made a bad but famous TV show so I could have used that in this post. The fools.

Peter: Holy crap, Lois, this is even worse than the time I lived in that small Alaskan town!