
Did your wife dump you for a mask or something, because I can’t fathom why anyone would have this much sputtering anger toward an inanimate object.

To be fair, when you have the power to heal all diseases with a single touch I think you can make a case for not needing a vaccine.

Timon and Pumba are married and that’s why they were sad when Simba fell in love with Nala. Every parent is sad when their kid starts to grow up.

School libraries are currently completely empty in conservative-controlled Florida because the governor ordered every single book be confiscated, and only the ones his party approves of will be returned.

How many unwarranted remakes will they do before they just give these movies back to Del Toro? Let the man cook.

I’m a smidge too young to remember 80's Disney but this is reminding me quite a bit of Disney circa 2000, when they were puking out terrible cut-rate direct to video sequels every ten minutes and eventually started releasing some of them in theaters (where it became painfully obvious that these movies were still being

I have a casting suggestion: How about instead of adding Zach Galifianakis, they subtract him, and also everyone else in the cast, and then they just don’t make this movie.

“What we know now?”

Yeah, but they’re terrified of taking the movies in new directions because the last time they did that, they got a bunch of mean tweets from the same 30 nerds and decided the solution was to rewrite Episode 9 to make it as boring as possible.

In 2006 there was actually a proper Dragon Ball/One Piece crossover manga, a non-canon one-shot story called Cross Epoch, written and drawn by the creators of the two series. For some absurd reason, this story has never been animated.

It was never really big enough to hang with One Piece and Dragon Ball. The special was basically an attempt by anime studio Toei, which made all three series, to turn Toriko into a huge franchise by crossing it over with its two biggest series. It didn’t really work. Toriko was a modest success but nowhere near the

For a community that’s fighting for acceptance and inclusion, they sure seem to be taking a page from the people they say are oppressing them.

And yes, there is a clearly trans supporting character.

Yes, and this is a video game website, where people discuss video games and their cultural impact. Are you lost?

“STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS!” demands poster who wrote two paragraphs about this.

Honestly, Rowling’s supporters really love their double standards. They’ll go out of their way to proclaim every Harry Potter project to be the greatest creative work in the history of the universe just because their idol’s name is attached to it, but then the moment someone has something negative to say, they demand

Separate the art from the artist

Because video games don’t magically spring into existence from nowhere. They come from people, and if a game comes from shitty people, the consumer has a right to know. The point of a review is to help you decide if you want to buy the game, and that is one of the factors many people will consider.