
You seem to be having a very hard time dealing with other people’s opinions in this world.

So did you arrive at this comments section via magical teleportation or did you click on the article?

The real Henk Rogers is Dutch, not American, but who knows if the movie will do much, if anything, to acknowledge that. They seem dead-set on portraying him as the Determined Guy With a Vision Who Proved Them All Wrong and Single-Handedly Gave Us Beloved Product, which is a pretty American trope.

Oh hi there, Everyone Kelsey Grammar Has Ever Worked With.

Goddammit, someone at Disney read your post and just greenlit a Disney Plus sitcom about a bunch of blue-collar stormtroopers hanging out at the Cantina after work. Greedo will be given a wacky catchphrase. Each episode will cost $500 million.

Cliff Claven, sitting down at his usual spot: IT’S A LITTLE KNOWN FACT THAT THIS BAR ISN’T EVEN REAL.

My health teacher says if you don’t want to catch Cheers Butt you need to wear a condom.

Taron’s Acting Coach: This is how you win awards, Egerton! This is how you get Scorsese and Tarantino to cast you in all their shit! You want an Oscar, don’t you? Then just be Leo! That’s our motto here at Dicaprio Acting Plagiarism Academy!

Wait, are you telling me that the outcome of the Cold War WASN’T decided by Taron Egerton and Reanimated Stalin playing Game Boy Tetris against each other in VS mode, on a giant screen while thousands of terrified people watched and when Egerton came from behind to win the match his father shed a single tear and a

The Avengers were probably the best possible characters to launch a shared universe with because they’re the most natural characters for the “solo movies, then teamup” approach. All the core Avengers star in comics of their own but also show up in the team’s comic. Neither the X-Men (who aside from Wolverine have

Joe Biden is racist by Democrat standards. By Republican standards he’s practically John Brown. This is not a compliment toward Joe Biden but an observation of the white nationalist racial hysteria that dominates the current GOP.

Since when do you have to have skills to be part of the royal family? Is waving from a balcony while wearing a shiny hat that someone else paid for considered a “skill” now?

They made an Ant Man movie where he doesn’t even beat up 3D Sylvester Stallone? What’s even the point?

James Gunn actually confirmed recently that The Batman is not part of the DCEU, and that movie and its spinoffs will continue separately from anything the DCEU does.

The lowest grossing MCU movie last year made $761 million. That would be seen as a phenomenal success for any other studio, but instead it was met with headlines about “superhero fatigue.” Seems to me that if anything, people are so eager to criticize Feige that they’ll pretend hit movies are flops just so they have

Honestly, I think Dr. Strange 2 might have been more enjoyable if you HADN’T seen Wandavision. In that show, Wanda is a deeply flawed, conflicted antihero who’s terrified of loss and desperate for a life with her husband. In Dr. Strange, she’s a one-dimensional Crazy Magic Lady enacting much more boring version of the

Doctor Strange 2 was terrible, but it did not flop commercially.

Why “at long last?” Was there a demand for this? Live action adaptations of cartoons are almost always inferior. Why can’t studios accept that sometimes cartoons are just better?

I wish the Astro Boy manga was more widely available here, because the original Pluto manga is even better with the added context of the original story it’s based on.