
You are currently in the “denial” stage of the Coping With Your Favorite Celebrity’s Downfall Cycle. It’s okay, it’s part of the process. If you need help, ask a former Kanye fan for advice, they went through the same thing recently. 

Ah yes, “the silent majority,” that imaginary friend that people seem to make when there’s absolutely no evidence that their views are within the mainstream.

“Joke’s on you, I’m actually alone and unloved. Haha, got ‘im.

13 year olds spamming the n-word on Discord servers also get under people’s skin.

“Rowling’s reputation is doing just fine!” says person commenting on an article about Rowling attempting to salvage her reputation.

Except the reaction wasn’t aggressive, she just made it seem that way because she ignored every reasonable comment she got and chose to fixate on and elevate the tiny minority of rude ones. The overwhelming majority of initial comments toward Rowling’s transphobia were expressions of disappointment and attempts to get

I dunno how it is over on the PS, but for the past couple of days every time I turn on my Xbox there’s a Hogwarts ad in the What’s New feed on my dashboard. I think WB just throw piles of money at everyone to promote this game.

Apparently the definition of “Nazi” is “someone who hurts a self-absorbed rich lady’s feelings.”

Some important context: A 15 year old trans girl, Brianna Ghey, was stabbed to death this week in Rowling’s neck of the woods. There’s years worth of evidence that her parents and school knew she was being targeted for being trans, that they pleaded to the police to help her and were ignored.

This is the topic she never stops talking about.

Um, which decade? Some of these shows came out in the 2010's and some came out in the 2020's.

Calm down, friend. If you want to play a boring, glitchy Destiny clone and convince yourself that you’re having the greatest time of your life, I’m not going to stop you.

I go where I’m needed.

It’s true, fascism is when someone has a video game opinion you don’t like. As I recall, the biggest crime of Mussolini’s regime was that he didn’t like Dr. Mario.

How exactly does this game get “a pass” when there was enough controversy that the composer donated his entire salary to charity?

Mario’s regular voice actor, Charles Martinet, has been in the industry for almost 40 years and has a huge vocal range. Mario isn’t his only role, just his most famous. In the past he has toned down Mario’s voice somewhat for longer roles as him; heck, one of his first gigs as Mario involved voicing him in an

Character is more important than plot sometimes.

My favorite was the Mario one. It was clever, funny, and tells us a lot about the bros in like 30 seconds. Also, fun fact, the woman in the ad is voiced by Jeannie Elias, the original voice of Princess Toadstool on the Super Mario Bros Super Show!

It’s not really a “puzzling move” when you consider that Disney (via their purchase of Fox) owns the show and is one of Netflix’s major competitors now. So it’s leaving Netflix for the same reason all those Marvel shows left. Hulu will likely become the permanent home of the Bluths in short order.

If I wanna watch season 4 should I watch the original version or the remixed one?