
Iger: Here at Disney, we believe in the power of imagination.

They’re ready to believe you!

The execs at this point were all dudes in their 70's so their nostalgia was pretty much for characters who were big during the Great Depression. So they signed up a bunch of pulp characters who predated the first big superhero comics boom, and so we ended up with the freaking Phantom movie and its legendary tagline:

Yeah, but Disney considered it a box office disappointment as they had sunk a huge amount of money into it, particularly in advertising. They made the film to be their answer to Tim Burton’s Batman (Tracy was apparently the biggest comic property Disney had the rights to at the time, which is pretty funny considering

When groups are bulling people to tears just for playing a game all credibility is lost.

Henry Ford has been dead for 76 slutty, slutty years.

this whole article comes off as a guilt trip”

This is what pandering to the right always gets you. Sooner or later, you’ll do some completely normal thing that they decide to be offended by, and your fanbase of right wing idiots will abandon you overnight. And since you’ve already alienated all the normal people by going full conservative, you end up with nothing.

Okay, now you’re just twisting yourself into knots trying to justify buying this thing as some sort of act of charity to the developers.

You’ve got that backwards. Several developers have come forward on social media to point out that the way the AAA industry works, no one who worked on Hogwarts Legacy is going to get any extra money based on how the game sells. They get a flat rate to develop the game, and that’s it. Basically the only big studios

You take the internet really seriously, huh.

You are a remarkably lucky person if the worst “bullying” you’ve ever experienced is that someone on the internet asked not to play a video game.

Why do all the Harry Potter apologists gotta write entire novels defending this damn game, why are you like this. 

The lead developer/head writer is named Troy Leavitt, he’s a neo-nazi Youtuber and the heads of the studios were fully aware of his beliefs when they hired him. He quit the game when this was all made public, but by then the title was mostly completed and by all accounts, none of his contributions were changed.

the developers of the game obviously don’t share her views

It’s ALWAYS ‘lives are on the line!’

Transphobes: Wow, trans people are always so dramatic. MAYBE I’d support them if they didn’t act like victims all the time.

Honestly I think a lot of what drives transphobia is that the many on the Right see society as an “Us vs Them” proposition where “Them” is everyone who isn’t a close friend or family member (or your favorite Fox News host.) So the idea that we should trust other human beings is unthinkable to them, even when there are

I don’t recall all the details but I don’t think everyone was going HAM on her right at the beginning.