
no one went to Encanto”

A lot of new stuff they tried did land, though? Encanto was massively popular. Turning Red and Luca got lots of views even though Disney refused to put them in theaters. They had one big flop this year with Strange World, but you can chalk that up to Chapek not advertising the move at all and releasing it during a

Come on, Disney making a sequel to a movie about a bunch of superheroes? When has that ever happened?

Bob Iger, Suddenly Standing Behind You: Blood? Stone? BLOODSTONE! The popular* Marvel hero! Give her a cameo in Thor 5 and then her own trilogy of films where she teams up with six different Hawkeyes!

Now it’s “Bob Iger and the Seven Sequels,” am I right? Eh? Ehhh?

Breaking news: Andy has died in a nursing home at the age of 102 after aging in real time since the start of the series.

The Death Note is real, but every time you use it, they make a Toy Story sequel.

Zootopia 2 could work if they ditch the cop angle and put Judy and Nick in new careers for whatever reason. But actually, does the sequel need to be about Judy and Nick at all? Disney Plus had a great Zootopia miniseries recently and Nick and Judy weren’t even in it. It just focused on a bunch of supporting

The disclaimer makes it worse, actually. So you’re fully aware that Rowling is complicit in an extremist hate campaign against one of society’s most vulnerable groups of people, but then you go on to say that this bothers you less than people telling you not to buy a crappy video game.

If the game is successful and remains popular for a long time, that keeps the HP relevant and in the public consciousness, (one could argue that this is the entire reason the game exists, as WB considers it an important brand but also one that is losing popularity as a film series. Thus the pivot to another medium)

People have watered down the intended meaning of that phrase to the point that it’s basically just this now:

“How about instead of being a dick online to people you go and take that $70 you would have spent on that game and donate to an org that serves the transgender community?”

“But but but Elon Musk”

“The reviews have all been very positive.”

“Turning Harry Potter irrelevant is also impractical.”

“There is a trans NPC in the game”

Not buying the game is easy. Giving money to a good cause is hard.”

Spend five minutes on social media outside whatever safe little bubble you’ve built for yourself, and you’ll see hoards of people claiming they’re buying multiple copies of this game just to upset the people objecting to it. That group seems to be evenly split between folks who claim Rowling isn’t a transphobe, and

If it was truly “once and for all,” they’d recast Amanda Waller.”

I dunno why mediocre celebrity-driven cartoons were so big in the early 90's, but if Elvis had been alive then there’s no way he wouldn’t have had one. And like most of the others, the ads would claim he did his own voice when 90% of the dialogue was actually by an impersonator (possibly Jeff Bennett doing the same