
That’s awesome, I love Assassin’s Creed Volvo Land.

Man, the word “probably” is doing a lot of work in that post. You don’t know what this guy’s daily schedule is, for starters.

Honestly, that bit comes off almost like an insightful joke about how washed-up aging comedians try to stay relevant in 2023. “No one is laughing at my jokes. Maybe I should try saying hateful bullshit about trans people and liberals.” Just replace Jerry with Dave Chapelle or Louis CK and you’ve practically got a

Probably. But that streamer probably has like 20 viewers, whereas AI Seinfeld is a huge internet fad watched by hundreds of thousands of people, so it can’t fly under the radar like many can.

Hot take: X-2 sucked. Just one bland action sequence after another topped off by a really awkward sequel tease, and the only reason people think it’s such a masterpiece is because in 2003 everyone still expected superhero films to be terrible and instead of being terrible, this one was merely boring. Superman

Ohhh, so that’s why he wanted to fight Superman so badly. Because he contractually couldn’t lose! That’s even stupider than the idea of them fighting in the first place.

Y’all need to calm down.

Don’t say “children” in a Bryan Singer thread, you’ll summon him.

So he’s been working in Hollywood for decades but somehow is completely ignorant of one of the biggest scandals to hit a Hollywood director in all that time? Do you think people in Hollywood don’t talk to each other? I call bullshit.

Sadly, she was in last year’s ballot, and she lost to Firestar.

So far I haven’t seen anything in the ads that hasn’t been brought up by comic fans already. I don’t think it’s going to diminish the characters to point out that they have flaws.

Yeah, that’s not what happened. The old man doesn’t pass each challenge, in fact he loses the fourth one. His only advantage is that he is exempt from being killed after he loses, which is irrelevant to the reality show version since, you know, no one gets killed.

That’s not rigging the game, in fact it’s the opposite. They’re leveling the playing field by taking one player’s advantage away.

I’m pretty sure the greedy pricks on the show were the billionaires in masks who were placing bets on which ordinary people would die.

The experiences on the TV show were horrible because the losers got shot in the head. Not sure if you’re aware, but that doesn’t happen in the reality version.

I love how the prevailing message of the original show was “people who are forced to do desperate things for money are victims of capitalism and we should feel compassion for them,” and now the generic hot take over the reality version is “these people who did desperate things for money deserved everything bad that hap

Yeah, Juno is a better comedy than Superbad, sorry. I’d watch that one first.

Wow, you guys are really running out of listicle ideas, huh? “Breaking news, Flash and Quicksilver are both fast! Is...is that anything?” Come on guys, try harder.

Yeah, but the Squid Game on the show wasn’t rigged. What made the whole concept so dark was that people who lost the games were killed, but the games actually were set up to be fair contests. Given that, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people signing up for the reality version to expect that the reality show would

Apart from Hit-Monkey himself, the series didn’t seem all that interested in using Marvel characters, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it just creates its own cast from here on.